Dynamics and correlations in Motzkin and Fredkin spin chains
Dell'anna L., Barbiero L., The Motzkin and Fredkin quantum spin chains are described by frustration-free Hamiltonians recently introduced and studied because of their anomalous behaviors in the correlation functions and in the entanglement properties. In this paper we analyze their quantum dynamical properties, focusing in particular on the time evolution of the excitations driven by a quantum quench, looking at the correlations functions of spin operators defined along different directions, and discussing the results in relation with the cluster decomposition property. We show that, for such models, one can have absence of cone-like structure in the propagation of the excitations after a quantum quench, together with a violation of the cluster decomposition property for the ground state characterized by only a logarithmic violation of the area law for the entanglement entropy.
Localization, Topology, and Quantized Transport in Disordered Floquet Systems
Wauters M.M., Russomanno A., Citro R., We investigate the effects of disorder on a periodically driven one-dimensional model displaying quantized topological transport. We show that, while instantaneous eigenstates are necessarily Anderson localized, the periodic driving plays a fundamental role in delocalizing Floquet states over the whole system, henceforth allowing for a steady-state nearly quantized current. Remarkably, this is linked to a localization-delocalization transition in the Floquet states at strong disorder, which occurs for periodic driving corresponding to a nontrivial loop in the parameter space. As a consequence, the Floquet spectrum becomes continuous in the delocalized phase, in contrast with a pure-point instantaneous spectrum.
Fast and accurate Cooper pair pump
Erdman P., Taddei F., Peltonen J., We propose a method to perform accurate and fast charge pumping in superconducting nanocircuits. Combining topological properties and quantum control techniques based on shortcuts to adiabaticity, we show that it is theoretically possible to achieve perfectly quantized charge pumping at any finite-speed driving. Model-specific errors may still arise due the difficulty of implementing the exact control. We thus assess this and other practical issues in a specific system comprised of three Josephson junctions. Using realistic system parameters, we show that our scheme can improve the pumping accuracy of this device by various orders of magnitude. Possible metrological perspectives are discussed.
Boosting the performance of small autonomous refrigerators via common environmental effects
Manzano G., Giorgi G.L., We explore the possibility of enhancing the performance of small thermal machines by the presence of common noise sources. In particular, we study a prototypical model for an autonomous quantum refrigerator comprised by three qubits coupled to thermal reservoirs at different temperatures. Our results show that engineering the coupling to the reservoirs to act as common environments lead to relevant improvements in the performance. The enhancements arrive to almost double the cooling power of the original fridge without compromising its efficiency. The greater enhancements are obtained when the refrigerator may benefit from the presence of a decoherence-free subspace. The influence of coherent effects in the dissipation due to one- and two-spin correlated processes is also examined by comparison with an equivalent incoherent yet correlated model of dissipation.
Entanglement Hamiltonians in 1D free lattice models after a global quantum quench
Di Giulio G., Arias R., We study the temporal evolution of the entanglement Hamiltonian of an interval after a global quantum quench in free lattice models in one spatial dimension. In a harmonic chain we explore a quench of the frequency parameter. In a chain of free fermions at half filling we consider the evolution of the ground state of a fully dimerised chain through the homogeneous Hamiltonian. We focus on critical evolution Hamiltonians. The temporal evolutions of the gaps in the entanglement spectrum are analysed. The entanglement Hamiltonians in these models are characterised by matrices that provide also contours for the entanglement entropies. The temporal evolution of these contours for the entanglement entropy is studied, also by employing existing conformal field theory results for the semi-infinite line and the quasi-particle picture for the global quench.
Kondo effect in a Aharonov-Casher interferometer
Parafilo A.V., Gorelik L.Y., We consider a model describing a spin field-effect transistor based on a quantum nanowire with a tunable spin-orbit interaction embedded between two ferromagnetic leads with anticollinear magnetization. We investigate a regime of a strong interplay between resonance Kondo scattering and interference associated with the Aharonov-Casher effect. Using the Keldysh technique at a weak-coupling regime we calculate perturbatively the charge current. It is predicted that the effects of the spin-orbit interaction result in a nonvanishing current for any spin polarization of the leads including the case of fully polarized anticollinear contacts. We analyze the influence of the Aharonov-Casher phase and degree of spin polarization in the leads onto a Kondo temperature.
Theory of chiral edge state lasing in a two-dimensional topological system
Seclì M., We theoretically study topological laser operation in a bosonic Harper-Hofstadter model featuring a saturable optical gain. Crucial consequences of the chirality of the lasing edge modes are highlighted, such as a sharp dependence of the lasing threshold on the geometrical shape of the amplifying region and the possibility of ultraslow relaxation times and of convectively unstable regimes. The different unstable regimes are characterized in terms of spatiotemporal structures sustained by noise and a strong amplification of a propagating probe beam is anticipated to occur in between the convective and the absolute (lasing) thresholds. The robustness of topological laser operation against static disorder is assessed.
Quantum Spectrometry for Arbitrary Noise
Goldwater D., Barker P., We present a technique for recovering the spectrum of a non-Markovian bosonic bath and/or non-Markovian noises coupled to a harmonic oscillator. The treatment is valid under the conditions that the environment is large and hot compared to the oscillator, and that its temporal autocorrelation functions are symmetric with respect to time translation and reflection - criteria which we consider fairly minimal. We model a demonstration of the technique as deployed in the experimental scenario of a nanosphere levitated in a Paul trap, and show that it would effectively probe the spectrum of an electric field noise source from 102 to 106 Hz with a resolution inversely proportional to the measurement time. This technique may be deployed in quantum sensing, metrology, computing, and in experimental probes of foundational questions.
Optimal working point in digitized quantum annealing
Mbeng G.B., Arceci L., We present a study of the digitized quantum annealing protocol proposed by R. Barends et al. [Nature (London) 534, 222 (2016)NATUAS0028-083610.1038/nature17658]. Our analysis, performed on the benchmark case of a transverse Ising chain problem, shows that the algorithm has a well-defined optimal working point for the annealing time τPopt, scaling as τPopt∼P, where P is the number of digital Trotter steps, beyond which the residual energy error shoots up toward the value characteristic of the maximally disordered state. We present an analytical analysis for the translationally invariant transverse Ising chain case, but our numerical evidence suggests that this scenario is more general, surviving, for instance, the presence of disorder.
Relaxation of the order-parameter statistics in the Ising quantum chain
We study the out-of-equilibrium probability distribution function of the local order parameter in the transverse field Ising quantum chain. Starting from a fully polarised state, the relaxation of the ferromagnetic order is analysed: we obtain a full analytical description of the late-time stationary distribution by means of a remarkable relation to the partition function of a 3-states classical model. Accordingly, depending on the phase whereto the post-quench Hamiltonian belongs, the probability distribution may locally retain memories of the initial long-range order. When quenching deep in the broken-symmetry phase, we show that the stationary order-parameter statistics is indeed related to that of the ground state. We highlight this connection by inspecting the ground-state equilibrium properties, where we propose an effective description based on the block-diagonal approximation of the n-point spin correlation functions.
Continuous variable quantum perceptron
We present a model of Continuous Variable Quantum Perceptron (CVQP), also referred to as neuron in the following, whose architecture implements a classical perceptron. The necessary nonlinearity is obtained via measuring the output qubit and using the measurement outcome as input to an activation function. The latter is chosen to be the so-called Rectified linear unit (ReLu) activation function by virtue of its practical feasibility and the advantages it provides in learning tasks. The encoding of classical data into realistic finitely squeezed states and the use of superposed (entangled) input states for specific binary problems are discussed.
Hadamard Completely Positive Semigroups
We review the Gorini, Kossakowski, Sudarshan derivation of the generator of a completely positive norm-continuous semigroup when the constituent maps act on density matrices according to the Hadamard product rule.
Ballistic transport and boundary resistances in inhomogeneous quantum spin chains
Biella A., Transport phenomena are central to physics, and transport in the many-body and fully-quantum regime is attracting an increasing amount of attention. It has been recently revealed that some quantum spin chains support ballistic transport of excitations at all energies. However, when joining two semi-infinite ballistic parts, such as the XX and XXZ spin-1/2 models, our understanding suddenly becomes less established. Employing a matrix-product-state ansatz of the wavefunction, we study the relaxation dynamics in this latter case. Here we show that it takes place inside a light cone, within which two qualitatively different regions coexist: an inner one with a strong tendency towards thermalization, and an outer one supporting ballistic transport. We comment on the possibility that even at infinite time the system supports stationary currents and displays a non-zero Kapitza boundary resistance. Our study paves the way to the analysis of the interplay between transport, integrability, and local defects.
Reply to: Ultrafast evolution and transient phases of a prototype out-of-equilibrium Mott-Hubbard material
Boschetto D., Weis M., Zhang J., Caillaux J., Nilforoushan N., Lantz G., Mansart B., Papalazarou E., Moisan N., Grieger D., Perfetti L., Jacques V.L.R., Bolloc’h D.L., Laulhé C., Ravy S., Rueff J.P., Glover T.E., Hertlein M.P., Hussain Z., Song S., Chollet M., Effects of strong electron interactions and resonant scattering on power output of nano-devices
Karki D., We develop a Fermi-liquid based approach to investigate the power output of nano-devices in the presence of strong interactions and resonance scattering. The developed scheme is then employed to study the power output of a SU(N) Kondo impurity at the strong-coupling regime. The interplay between Kondo resonance and the filling factors in the SU(N) quantum systems is found to be a key to enhance output power. Such enhancement results in an output power corresponding to ∼50% of the quantum upper bound. We demonstrate that given a proper tuning of the electron occupancy, the investigated power grows linearly with degeneracy of Kondo state (N). This relation can hence be exploited to obtain output power that is larger than the one in existing noninteracting setups.
Dynamical phase diagram of a quantum Ising chain with long-range interactions
Piccitto G., Žunkovič B., We investigate the effect of short-range correlations on the dynamical phase diagram of quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions. Focusing on Ising spin chains with power-law decaying interactions and accounting for short-range correlations by a cluster mean field theory we show that short-range correlations are responsible for the emergence of a chaotic dynamical region. Analyzing the fine details of the phase diagram, we show that the resulting chaotic dynamics bears close analogies with that of a tossed coin.
SAGE: A proposal for a space atomic gravity explorer
Tino G.M., Abstract: The proposed mission “Space Atomic Gravity Explorer” (SAGE) has the scientific objective to investigate gravitational waves, dark matter, and other fundamental aspects of gravity as well as the connection between gravitational physics and quantum physics using new quantum sensors, namely, optical atomic clocks and atom interferometers based on ultracold strontium atoms. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].
Single-boson exchange decomposition of the vertex function
Krien F., Valli A., We present a decomposition of the two-particle vertex function of the single-band Anderson impurity model which imparts a physical interpretation of the vertex in terms of the exchange of bosons of three flavors. We evaluate the various components of the vertex for an impurity model corresponding to the half-filled Hubbard model within dynamical mean-field theory. For small values of the interaction almost the entire information encoded in the vertex function corresponds to single-boson exchange processes, which can be represented in terms of the Hedin three-leg vertex and the screened interaction. Also for larger interaction, the single-boson exchange still captures scatterings between electrons and the dominant low-energy fluctuations and provides a unified description of the vertex asymptotics. The proposed decomposition of the vertex does not require the matrix inversion of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Therefore, it represents a computationally lighter and hence more practical alternative to the parquet decomposition.
Many-Body Synchronization in a Classical Hamiltonian System
Khasseh R., We study synchronization between periodically driven, interacting classical spins undergoing a Hamiltonian dynamics. In the thermodynamic limit there is a transition between a regime where all the spins oscillate synchronously for an infinite time with a period twice the driving period (synchronized regime) and a regime where the oscillations die after a finite transient (chaotic regime). We emphasize the peculiarity of our result, having been synchronization observed so far only in driven-dissipative systems. We discuss how our findings can be interpreted as a period-doubling time crystal and we show that synchronization can appear both for an overall regular and overall chaotic dynamics.
Pulse solutions of the fractional effective models of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice with long-range interactions
Chendjou G.N.B., Pierre Nguenang J., We study the analytical solutions of the fractional Boussinesq equation (FBE), which is an effective model for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam one-dimensional lattice with long-range couplings. The couplings decay as a power-law with exponent s, with 1 < s < 3, so that the energy density is finite, but s is small enough to observe genuine long-range effects. The analytic solutions are obtained by introducing an ansatz for the dependence of the field on space and time. This allows the FBE be reduced to an ordinary differential equation, which can be explicitly solved. The solutions are initially localized and they delocalize progressively as time evolves. Depending on the value of s, the solution is either a pulse (meaning a bump) or an anti-pulse (i.e. a hole) on a constant field for 1 < s < 2 and 2 < s < 3, respectively.