Publications year: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Quantum echo dynamics in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
Pappalardi S., Polkovnikov A., Silva A.
Understanding the footprints of chaos in quantum-many-body systems has been under debate for a long time. In this work, we study the echo dynamics of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model with transverse field under effective time reversal. We investigate numerically its quantum and semiclassical dynamics. We explore how chaotic many-body quantum physics can lead to exponential divergence of the echo of observables and we show that it is a result of three requirements: i) the collective nature of the observable, ii) a properly chosen initial state and iii) the existence of a well-defined chaotic semi-classical (large-N) limit. Under these conditions, the echo grows exponentially up to the Ehrenfest time, which scales logarithmically with the number of spins N. In this regime, the echo is well described by the semiclassical (truncated Wigner) approximation. We also discuss a short-range version of the SK model, where the Ehrenfest time does not depend on N and the quantum echo shows only polynomial growth. Our findings provide new insights on scrambling and echo dynamics and how to observe it experimentally.
Effect of inter-well interactions on non-linear beam splitters for matter-wave interferometers
Baroni C., Gori G., Chiofalo M.L., Trombettoni A.
We study the non-linear beam splitter in matter-wave interferometers using ultracold quantum gases in a double-well configuration in presence of non-local interactions inducing inter-well density-density coupling, as they can be realized, e.g., with dipolar gases. We explore this effect after considering different input states, in the form of either coherent, or Twin-Fock, or NOON states. We first review the non-interacting limit and the case in which only the local interaction is present, including the study of sensitivity near the self-trapping threshold. Then, we consider the two-mode model in the presence of inter-well interactions and consider the scaling of the sensitivity as a function of the non-local coupling strength. Our analysis clearly shows that non-local interactions can compensate the degradation of the sensitivity induced by local interactions, so that they may be used to restore optimal sensitivity.
Slow heating in a quantum coupled kicked rotors system
Notarnicola S., Silva A., Fazio R., Russomanno A.
We consider a finite-size periodically driven quantum system of coupled kicked rotors which exhibits two distinct regimes in parameter space: a dynamically-localized one with kinetic-energy saturation in time and a chaotic one with unbounded energy absorption (dynamical delocalization). We provide numerical evidence that the kinetic energy grows subdiffusively in time in a parameter region close to the boundary of the chaotic dynamically-delocalized regime. We map the different regimes of the model via a spectral analysis of the Floquet operator and investigate the properties of the Floquet states in the subdiffusive regime. We observe an anomalous scaling of the average inverse participation ratio (IPR) analogous to the one observed at the critical point of the Anderson transition in a disordered system. We interpret the behavior of the IPR and the behavior of the asymptotic-time energy as a mark of the breaking of the eigenstate thermalization in the subdiffusive regime. Then we study the distribution of the kinetic-energy-operator off-diagonal matrix elements. We find that in presence of energy subdiffusion they are not Gaussian and we propose an anomalous random matrix model to describe them.
Quantum-heat fluctuation relations in three-level systems under projective measurements
Giachetti G., Gherardini S., Trombettoni A., Ruffo S.
We study the statistics of energy fluctuations in a three-level quantum system subject to a sequence of projective quantum measurements. We check that, as expected, the quantum Jarzynski equality holds provided that the initial state is thermal. The latter condition is trivially satisfied for two-level systems, while this is generally no longer true for N-level systems, with N > 2. Focusing on three-level systems, we discuss the occurrence of a unique energy scale factor βeff that formally plays the role of an effective inverse temperature in the Jarzynski equality. To this aim, we introduce a suitable parametrization of the initial state in terms of a thermal and a non-thermal component. We determine the value of βeff for a large number of measurements and study its dependence on the initial state. Our predictions could be checked experimentally in quantum optics.
An introduction to entanglement measures in conformal field theories and AdS/CFT
Tonni E.
Entanglement in quantum systems and many quantities introduced to study is has attracted a lot of research during the last decade, in particular in quantum information theory, condensed matter theory and quantum gravity.
Gauge theories with ultracold atoms
Pinto Barros J.C., Burrello M., Trombettoni A.
We discuss and review, in this chapter, the developing field of research of quantum simulation of gauge theories with ultracold atoms.
Measuring von Neumann entanglement entropies without wave functions
Mendes-Santos T., Giudici G., Fazio R., Dalmonte M.
We present a method to measure the von Neumann entanglement entropy of ground states of quantum many-body systems which does not require access to the system wave function. The technique is based on a direct thermodynamic study of lattice entanglement Hamiltonians - recently proposed in the paper [Dalmonte et al 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 827] via field theoretical insights - and can be performed by quantum Monte Carlo methods. We benchmark our technique on critical quantum spin chains, and apply it to several two-dimensional quantum magnets, where we are able to unambiguously determine the onset of area law in the entanglement entropy, the number of Goldstone bosons, and to check a recent conjecture on geometric entanglement contribution at critical points described by strongly coupled field theories. The protocol can also be adapted to measure entanglement in experiments via quantum quenches.
Anderson transition on the Bethe lattice: An approach with real energies
Parisi G., Pascazio S., Pietracaprina F., Ros V., Scardicchio A.
We study the Anderson model on the Bethe lattice by working directly with propagators at real energies E. We introduce a novel criterion for the localization-delocalization transition based on the stability of the population of the propagators, and show that it is consistent with the one obtained through the study of the imaginary part of the self-energy. We present an accurate numerical estimate of the transition point, as well as a concise proof of the asymptotic formula for the critical disorder on lattices of large connectivity, as given in Anderson (1958 Phys. Rev. 109 1492-505). We discuss how the forward approximation used in analytic treatments of localization problems fits into this scenario and how one can interpolate between it and the correct asymptotic analysis.
Publications year: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

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