Publications year: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Rethinking Frequency Combs for Infrared Spectroscopy
Cappelli F., Gabrielli T., Consolino L., Sorgi A., Borri S., Roati G., Scazza F., Trombettoni A., Smerzi A., De Rosa M., Ricciardi I., De Natale P.
Frequency combs (FC) underwent a significant miniaturization since the Ti:Sa passively mode-locked laser was introduced. Nowadays, a full FC re-design, e.g. based on ultracold-atoms simulation, can provide access to genuine quantum radiation.
Optical Trapping and Critical Casimir Forces
Callegari A., Magazzù A., Gambassi A., Volpe G.
Critical Casimir forces between colloidal particles act at distances reaching often hundreds of nanometers. Keeping colloids at such distances is a major experimental challenge. Here, we review how optical tweezers help quantitatively in studying critical Casimir forces acting on particles in suspensions.
Interacting two-mode model for ultracold quantum interferometers
Baroni C., Gori G., Chiofalo M.L., Trombettoni A.
Ultracold gases provide an excellent platform for the realization of quantum interferometers. In the case of implementations based on Bose-Einstein condensates in double well potentials, an effective two-mode model allows to study how the interactions among particles affect the sensitivity of the interferometer. In this work we review the properties of such a model and its application to interferometric protocols, focusing on the achievable sensitivity in the presence of interactions turned on. In particular we study the full interferometric sequence when the initial state is a Twin Fock state, which is perfectly number squeezed. We found that in the presence of interactions and for certain values of the holding time in which a phase difference between the two modes is accumulated, the same sensitivity as in the non interacting case is recovered when using the population imbalance between the two wells as observable. Finally, we characterize the behaviour of the sensitivity by looking at the δ-derivative and the variance of the operator used for the measurement and studying the squeezing parameters.
Non-parametric learning critical behavior in Ising partition functions: PCA entropy and intrinsic dimension
Panda R.K., Verdel R., Rodriguez A., Sun H., Bianconi G., Dalmonte M.
We provide and critically analyze a framework to learn critical behavior in classical partition functions through the application of non-parametric methods to data sets of thermal configurations. We illustrate our approach in phase transitions in 2D and 3D Ising models. First, we extend previous studies on the intrinsic dimension of 2D partition function data sets, by exploring the effect of volume in 3D Ising data. We find that as opposed to 2D systems for which this quantity has been successfully used in unsupervised characterizations of critical phenomena, in the 3D case its estimation is far more challenging. To circumvent this limitation, we then use the principal component analysis (PCA) entropy, a "Shannon entropy" of the normalized spectrum of the covariance matrix. We find a striking qualitative similarity to the thermodynamic entropy, which the PCA entropy approaches asymptotically. The latter allows us to extract-through a conventional finite-size scaling analysis with modest lattice sizes-the critical temperature with less than 1% error for both 2D and 3D models while being computationally efficient. The PCA entropy can readily be applied to characterize correlations and critical phenomena in a huge variety of many-body problems and suggests a (direct) link between easy-tocompute quantities and entropies.
Holographic realization of the prime number quantum potential
Cassettari D., Mussardo G., Trombettoni A.
We report the experimental realization of the prime number quantum potential VN(x), defined as the potential entering the single-particle Schrödinger Hamiltonian with eigenvalues given by the first N prime numbers. Using computer-generated holography, we create light intensity profiles suitable to optically trap ultracold atoms in these potentials for different N values. As a further application, we also implement a potential whose spectrum is given by the lucky numbers, a sequence of integers generated by a different sieve than the familiar Eratosthenes’s sieve used for the primes. Our results pave the way toward the realization of quantum potentials with arbitrary sequences of integers as energy levels and show, in perspective, the possibility to set up quantum systems for arithmetic manipulations or mathematical tests involving prime numbers.
Probing chaos in the spherical p-spin glass model
Correale L., Polkovnikov A., Schirò M., Silva A.
We study the dynamics of a quantum p-spin glass model starting from initial states defined in microcanonical shells, in a classical regime. We compute different chaos estimators, such as the Lyapunov exponent and the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, and find a marked maximum as a function of the energy of the initial state. By studying the relaxation dynamics and the properties of the energy landscape we show that the maximal chaos emerges in correspondence with the fastest spin relaxation and the maximum complexity, thus suggesting a qualitative picture where chaos emerges as the trajectories are scattered over the exponentially many saddles of the underlying landscape. We also observe hints of ergodicity breaking at low energies, indicated by the correlation function and a maximum of the fidelity susceptibility.
Rethinking Frequency Combs for Infrared Spectroscopy
Cappelli F., Gabrielli T., Consolino L., Sorgi A., Borri S., Roati G., Scazza F., Trombettoni A., Smerzi A., De Rosa M., Ricciardi I., De Natale P.
Frequency combs (FC) underwent a significant miniaturization since the Ti:Sa passively mode-locked laser was introduced. Nowadays, a full FC re-design, e.g. based on ultracold-atoms simulation, can provide access to genuine quantum radiation.
Optical Trapping and Critical Casimir Forces
Callegari A., Magazzù A., Gambassi A., Volpe G.
Critical Casimir forces emerge between objects, such as colloidal particles, whenever their surfaces spatially confine the fluctuations of the order parameter of a critical liquid used as a solvent. These forces act at short but microscopically large distances between these objects, often reaching hundreds of nanometers. Keeping colloids at such distances is a major experimental challenge, which can be addressed by the means of optical tweezers. Here, we review how optical tweezers have been successfully used to quantitatively study critical Casimir forces acting on particles in suspensions. As we will see, the use of optical tweezers to experimentally study critical Casimir forces can play a crucial role in developing nanotechnologies, representing an innovative way to realize self-assembled devices at the nano- and microscale.
A continuous-variable quantum secure direct communication protocol with squeezed states
Paparelle I., Mousavi F., Scazza F., Paris M., Bassi A., Zavatta A.
Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) is a recently developed practical solution, which transmits secret messages between legitimate parties, without setting up a cryptographic key. The QSDC protocols are mainly classified into entanglement-based and single photon-based approaches. Their security has been analyzed using Wyner's wiretap channel theory, and their secrecy capacity has been calculated [1]. Hitherto, QSDC protocols have been implemented on optical fiber and free-space channels, all in discrete-variable (DV) encoding that employs single-photon detectors [1-2]. However, the implementation of continuous-variable (CV) QSDC, in which the keys are encoded into the quadratures of quantized electromagnetic fields (e.g., coherent states) and detected via homodyne techniques, is preferred due to: its lower costs, excellent integrability with existing optical communication systems, easy implementation from state preparation to measurement, and fast experimental realization. Furthermore, it has been proved that CV-QSDC protocols using squeezed states show higher tolerance in purely lossy channels and enhanced robustness against highly noisy ones, as well [3]. Nevertheless, none of the CV-QSDC protocols employing either coherent or squeezed quantum states have been implemented yet.
Anderson Localization on the Bethe Lattice
Pascazio S., Scardicchioy A., Tarziaz M.
After Anderson’s seminal paper in 1958, localization has attracted the interest of many researchers in condensed matter physics and disordered systems. The study of the peculiar nature of this dynamical transition induced by the presence of disorder has required, even in its mean-field formulation, a variety of techniques, from the cavity method to random matrix theory. In this chapter, Saverio Pascazio, Antonello Scardicchio and Marco Tarzia review this topic covering both some classical results and some more recent advancements, with a particular focus on the problem of Anderson localization on the Bethe lattice.
Dynamics, Information and Complexity in Quantum Systems: Second Edition
Benatti F.
A feasible path for the use of ferromagnetic Josephson junctions in quantum circuits: the ferro-transmon
Massarotti D., Ahmad H.G., Satariano R., Ferraiuolo R., Di Palma L., Mastrovito P., Serpico G., Levochkina A., Caruso R., Miano A., Arzeo M., Ausanio G., Granata C., Lucignano P., Montemurro D., Parlato L., Vettoliere A., Fazio R., Mukhanov O., Pepe G.P., Tafuri F.
We discuss the capabilities of ferromagnetic (F) Josephson junctions (JJs) in a variety of layouts and configurations. The main goal is to demonstrate the potential of these hybrid JJs to disclose new physics and the possibility to integrate them in superconducting classical and quantum electronics for various applications. The feasible path towards the use of ferromagnetic Josephson junctions in quantum circuits starts from experiments demonstrating macroscopic quantum tunneling in NbN/GdN/NbN junctions with ferro-insulator barriers and with triplet components of the supercurrent, supported by a self-consistent electrodynamic characterization as a function of the barrier thickness. This has inspired further studies on tunnel ferromagnetic junctions with a different layout and promoted the first generation of ferromagnetic Al-based JJs, specifically Al/AlOx/Al/Py/Al. This layout takes advantage of the capability to integrate the ferromagnetic layer in the junction without affecting the quality of the superconducting electrodes and of the tunnel barrier. The high quality of the devices paves the way for the possible implementation of Al tunnel-ferromagnetic JJs in superconducting quantum circuits. These achievements have promoted the notion of a novel type of qubit incorporating ferromagnetic JJs. This qubit is based on a transmon design featuring a tunnel JJ in parallel with a ferromagnetic JJ inside a SQUID loop capacitively coupled to a superconducting readout resonator. The effect of an external RF field on the magnetic switching processes of ferromagnetic JJs has been also investigated.
Quantum local random networks and the statistical robustness of quantum scars
Surace F.M., Dalmonte M., Silva A.
We investigate the emergence of quantum scars in a general ensemble of random Hamiltonians (of which the PXP is a particular realization), that we refer to as quantum local random networks. We find a class of scars, that we call “statistical”, and we identify specific signatures of the localized nature of these eigenstates by analyzing a combination of indicators of quantum ergodicity and properties related to the network structure of the model. Within this parallelism, we associate the emergence of statistical scars to the presence of “motifs” in the network, that reflects how these are associated to links with anomalously small connectivity. Most remarkably, statistical scars appear at well-defined values of energy, predicted solely on the base of network theory. We study the scaling of the number of statistical scars with system size: by continuously changing the connectivity of the system we find that there is a transition from a regime where the constraints are too weak for scars to exist for large systems to a regime where constraints are stronger and the number of statistical scars increases with system size. This allows to define the concept of “statistical robustness” of quantum scars.
Geometric phases along quantum trajectories
Viotti L., Gramajo A.L., Villar P.I., Lombardo F.C., Fazio R.
A monitored quantum system undergoing a cyclic evolution of the parameters governing its Hamiltonian accumulates a geometric phase that depends on the quantum trajectory followed by the system on its evolution. The phase value will be determined both by the unitary dynamics and by the interaction of the system with the environment. Consequently, the geometric phase will acquire a stochastic character due to the occurrence of random quantum jumps. Here we study the distribution function of geometric phases in monitored quantum systems and discuss when/if different quantities, proposed to measure geometric phases in open quantum systems, are representative of the distribution. We also consider a monitored echo protocol and discuss in which cases the distribution of the interference pattern extracted in the experiment is linked to the geometric phase. Furthermore, we unveil, for the single trajectory exhibiting no quantum jumps, a topological transition in the phase acquired after a cycle and show how this critical behavior can be observed in an echo protocol. For the same parameters, the density matrix does not show any singularity. We illustrate all our main results by considering a paradigmatic case, a spin-1/2 immersed in time-varying a magnetic field in the presence of an external environment. The major outcomes of our analysis are however quite general and do not depend, in their qualitative features, on the choice of the model studied.
Designing and controlling quantum cascade lasers for quantum technologies: towards a new generation of infrared sub-classical sources
Cappelli F., Borri S., Consolino L., Gabrielli T., Sorgi A., Roati G., Scazza F., Trombettoni A., Giuntini M., Montori A., Siciliani de Cumis M., Bruno N., Smerzi A., Zavatta A., De Rosa M., Ricciardi I., De Natale P.
Laser sources, since their invention, have proved to be the right solution in practically all conceived applications. Recently, the so-called second quantum revolution and quantum technologies like sensing, computing, simulation or communication are triggering a new generation of sub-classical sources to tackle such novel and challenging applications. First concepts and experimental results aimed to endow quantum cascade lasers and other infrared sources with truly quantum properties will be shown.
Entanglement Barrier and its Symmetry Resolution: Theory and Experimental Observation
Rath A., Vitale V., Murciano S., Votto M., Dubail J., Kueng R., Branciard C., Calabrese P., Vermersch B.
The operator entanglement (OE) is a key quantifier of the complexity of a reduced density matrix. In out-of-equilibrium situations, e.g., after a quantum quench of a product state, it is expected to exhibit an entanglement barrier. The OE of a reduced density matrix initially grows linearly as entanglement builds up between the local degrees of freedom; it then reaches a maximum and ultimately decays to a small finite value as the reduced density matrix converges to a simple stationary state through standard thermalization mechanisms. Here, by performing a new data analysis of the published experimental results of Brydges et al. [Science 364, 260 (2019)], we obtain the first experimental estimation of the OE of a subsystem reduced density matrix in a quantum many-body system. We employ the randomized-measurements toolbox and we introduce and develop a new efficient method to postprocess experimental data in order to extract higher-order density-matrix functionals and access the OE. The OE thus obtained displays the expected barrier as long as the experimental system is large enough. For smaller systems, we observe a barrier with a double-peak structure, the origin of which can be interpreted in terms of pairs of quasiparticles being reflected at the boundary of the qubit chain. As U(1) symmetry plays a key role in our analysis, we introduce the notion of symmetry-resolved operator entanglement (SROE), in addition to the total OE. To gain further insights into the SROE, we provide a thorough theoretical analysis of this new quantity in chains of noninteracting fermions, which, in spite of their simplicity, capture most of the main features of OE and SROE. In particular, we uncover three main physical effects: the presence of a barrier in any charge sector, a time delay for the onset of the growth of SROE, and an effective equipartition between charge sectors.
Entanglement and negativity Hamiltonians for the massless Dirac field on the half line
Rottoli F., Murciano S., Tonni E., Calabrese P.
We study the ground-state entanglement Hamiltonian of several disjoint intervals for the massless Dirac fermion on the half-line. Its structure consists of a local part and a bi-local term that couples each point to another one in each other interval. The bi-local operator can be either diagonal or mixed in the fermionic chiralities and it is sensitive to the boundary conditions. The knowledge of such entanglement Hamiltonian is the starting point to evaluate the negativity Hamiltonian, i.e. the logarithm of the partially transposed reduced density matrix, which is an operatorial characterisation of entanglement of subsystems in mixed states. We find that the negativity Hamiltonian inherits the structure of the corresponding entanglement Hamiltonian. We finally show how the continuum expressions for both these operators can be recovered from exact numerical computations in free-fermion chains.
Interface dynamics in the two-dimensional quantum Ising model
Balducci F., Gambassi A., Lerose A., Scardicchio A., Vanoni C.
In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 120601 (2022)0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.129.120601], we have shown that the dynamics of interfaces, in the symmetry-broken phase of the two-dimensional ferromagnetic quantum Ising model, displays a robust form of ergodicity breaking. In this paper, we elaborate more on the issue. First, we discuss two classes of initial states on the square lattice, the dynamics of which is driven by complementary terms in the effective Hamiltonian and may be solved exactly: (a) Strips of consecutive neighboring spins aligned in the opposite direction of the surrounding spins and (b) a large class of initial states, characterized by the presence of a well-defined "smooth"interface separating two infinitely extended regions with oppositely aligned spins. The evolution of the latter states can be mapped onto that of an effective one-dimensional fermionic chain, which is integrable in the infinite-coupling limit. In this case, deep connections with noteworthy results in mathematics emerge, as well as with similar problems in classical statistical physics. We present a detailed analysis of the evolution of these interfaces both on the lattice and in a suitable continuum limit, including the interface fluctuations and the dynamics of entanglement entropy. Second, we provide analytical and numerical evidence supporting the conclusion that the observed nonergodicity - arising from Stark localization of the effective fermionic excitations - persists away from the infinite-Ising-coupling limit, and we highlight the presence of a timescale T∼ecLlnL for the decay of a region of large linear size L. The implications of our work for the classic problem of the decay of a false vacuum are also discussed.
Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO)
Kaltenbaek R., Arndt M., Aspelmeyer M., Barker P.F., Bassi A., Bateman J., Belenchia A., Bergé J., Braxmaier C., Bose S., Christophe B., Cole G.D., Curceanu C., Datta A., Debiossac M., Delić U., Diósi L., Geraci A.A., Gerlich S., Guerlin C., Hechenblaikner G., Heidmann A., Herrmann S., Hornberger K., Johann U., Kiesel N., Lämmerzahl C., Lebrun T.W., Milburn G.J., Millen J., Mohageg M., Moore D.C., Morley G.W., Nimmrichter S., Novotny L., Oi D.K.L., Paternostro M., Riedel C.J., Rodrigues M., Rondin L., Roura A., Schleich W.P., Schuldt T., Stickler B.A., Ulbricht H., Vogt C., Wörner L.
The objective of the proposed macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO) mission is to harness space for achieving long free-fall times, extreme vacuum, nano-gravity, and cryogenic temperatures to test the foundations of physics in macroscopic quantum experiments at the interface with gravity. Developing the necessary technologies, achieving the required sensitivities and providing the necessary isolation of macroscopic quantum systems from their environment will lay the path for developing novel quantum sensors. Earlier studies showed that the proposal is feasible but that several critical challenges remain, and key technologies need to be developed. Recent scientific and technological developments since the original proposal of MAQRO promise the potential for achieving additional science objectives. The proposed research campaign aims to advance the state of the art and to perform the first macroscopic quantum experiments in space. Experiments on the ground, in micro-gravity, and in space will drive the proposed research campaign during the current decade to enable the implementation of MAQRO within the subsequent decade.
Slow melting of a disordered quantum crystal
Balducci F., Scardicchio A., Vanoni C.
The melting of the corner of a crystal is a classical, real-world, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics problem which has shown several connections with other branches of physics and mathematics. For a perfect, classical crystal in two and three dimensions the solution is known: The crystal melts reaching a certain asymptotic shape, which keeps expanding ballistically. In this paper, we move onto the quantum realm and show that the presence of quenched disorder slows down severely the melting process. Nevertheless, we show that there is no many-body localization transition, which could impede the crystal to be completely eroded. We prove such claim both by a perturbative argument, using the forward approximation, and via numerical simulations. At the same time we show how, despite the lack of localization, the erosion dynamics is slowed from ballistic to logarithmic, therefore pushing the complete melting of the crystal to extremely long timescales.
Publications year: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

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