QMC study of the chiral Heisenberg Gross-Neveu universality class
Otsuka Y., Seki K., We investigate a quantum criticality of an antiferromagnetic phase transition in the Hubbard model on a square lattice with a d-wave pairing field by large-scale auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Since the d-wave pairing filed induces Dirac cones in the non-interacting single-particle spectrum, the quantum criticality should correspond to the chiral Heisenberg universality class in terms of the Gross-Neveu theory, which is the same as those expected in the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice, despite the unit cells being different (e.g., they contain one and two sites, respectively). We show that both the two phase transitions, expected to occur on the square and on the honeycomb lattices, indeed have the same quantum criticality. We also argue that details of the models, i.e., the way of counting the total number N of fermion components and the anisotropy of the Dirac cones, do not change the critical exponents.
Quenches and confinement in a Heisenberg-Ising spin ladder
Lagnese G., Surace F.M., Kormos M., We consider the quantum quench dynamics of a Heisenberg-Ising spin ladder which is an archetypal model in which confinement of elementary excitations is triggered by internal interactions rather than an external field. We show that the confinement strongly affects the light cone structure of correlation functions providing signatures of the velocities of the mesons of the model. We also show that the meson masses can be measured from the real time analysis of the evolution of the order parameter.
Entanglement dynamics in confining spin chains
Scopa S., The confinement of elementary excitations induces distinctive features in the non-equilibrium quench dynamics. One of the most remarkable is the suppression of entanglement entropy, which in several instances turns out to oscillate rather than grow indefinitely. While the qualitative physical origin of this behavior is clear, till now no quantitative understanding away from the field theory limit was available. Here we investigate this problem in the weak quench limit, when mesons are excited at rest, hindering entropy growth and exhibiting persistent oscillations. We provide analytical predictions of the entire entanglement dynamics based on a Gaussian approximation of the many-body state, which captures numerical data with great accuracy and is further simplified to a semiclassical quasiparticle picture in the regime of weak confinement. Our methods are valid in general and we apply explicitly to two prototypical models: the Ising chain in a tilted field and the experimentally relevant long-range Ising model.
Thermoelectrics of a two-channel charge Kondo circuit: Role of electron-electron interactions in a quantum point contact
Parafilo A.V., Nguyen T.K.T., In this Letter we investigate the properties of a quantum impurity model in the presence of additional many-body interactions between mobile carriers. The fundamental question which is addressed here is how the interactions in the charge and spin sectors of an itinerant system affect the quantum impurity physics in the vicinity of the intermediate coupling fixed point. To illustrate the general answer to this question we discuss a two-channel charge Kondo circuit model. We show that the electron-electron interactions resulting in the formation of a massive spin mode in an itinerant electron subset drive the system away from the unstable non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) fixed point to the stable Fermi-liquid (FL) regime. We discuss the thermoelectric response as a benchmark for the NFL-FL crossover.
Quantum physics in space
Belenchia A., Carlesso M., Bayraktar Ö., Dequal D., Derkach I., Gasbarri G., Herr W., Li Y.L., Rademacher M., Sidhu J., Oi D.K.L., Seidel S.T., Kaltenbaek R., Marquardt C., Ulbricht H., Usenko V.C., Wörner L., Xuereb A., Paternostro M., Advances in quantum technologies are giving rise to a revolution in the way fundamental physics questions are explored at the empirical level. At the same time, they are the seeds for future disruptive technological applications of quantum physics. Remarkably, a space-based environment may open many new avenues for exploring and employing quantum physics and technologies. Recently, space missions employing quantum technologies for fundamental or applied studies have been proposed and implemented with stunning results. The combination of quantum physics and its space application is the focus of this review: we cover both the fundamental scientific questions that can be tackled with quantum technologies in space and the possible implementation of these technologies for a variety of academic and commercial purposes.
Local Generation of Entanglement with Redfield Dynamics
In phenomenological applications, time evolutions of Bloch-Redfield type are widely adopted for modelling open system dynamics, despite their nonpositive preserving character: this physical inconsistency, that in general shows up at small times, is usually cured by suitably restricting the space of allowed initial states. Nevertheless, additional problems may arise in relation to entanglement: specifically, we show that Redfield dynamics, though being a semigroup, can generate entanglement through a purely local action; moreover, this unphysical effect can persist on long time-scales.
Vacuum energy and renormalization of the field-independent term
Márián I.G., Jentschura U.D., Defenu N., Due to its construction, the nonperturbative renormalization group (RG) evolution of the constant, field-independent term (which is constant with respect to field variations but depends on the RG scale k) requires special care within the Functional Renormalization Group (FRG) approach. In several instances, the constant term of the potential has no physical meaning. However, there are special cases where it receives important applications. In low dimensions (d = 1), in a quantum mechanical model, this term is associated with the ground-state energy of the anharmonic oscillator. In higher dimensions (d = 4), it is identical to the Λ term of the Einstein equations and it plays a role in cosmic inflation. Thus, in statistical field theory, in flat space, the constant term could be associated with the free energy, while in curved space, it could be naturally associated with the cosmological constant. It is known that one has to use a subtraction method for the quantum anharmonic oscillator in d = 1 to remove the k 2 term that appears in the RG flow in its high-energy (UV) limit in order to recover the correct results for the ground-state energy. The subtraction is needed because the Gaussian fixed point is missing in the RG flow once the constant term is included. However, if the Gaussian fixed point is there, no further subtraction is required. Here, we propose a subtraction method for k 4 and k 2 terms of the UV scaling of the RG equations for d = 4 dimensions if the Gaussian fixed point is missing in the RG flow with the constant term. Finally, comments on the application of our results to cosmological models are provided.
Symmetry-resolved dynamical purification in synthetic quantum matter
Vitale V., Elben A., Kueng R., Neven A., Carrasco J., Kraus B., Zoller P., When a quantum system initialized in a product state is subjected to either coherent or incoherent dynamics, the entropy of any of its connected partitions generically increases as a function of time, signalling the inevitable spreading of (quantum) information throughout the system. Here, we show that, in the presence of continuous symmetries and under ubiquitous experimental conditions, symmetry-resolved information spreading is inhibited due to the competition of coherent and incoherent dynamics: in given quantum number sectors, entropy decreases as a function of time, signalling dynamical purification. Such dynamical purification bridges between two distinct short and intermediate time regimes, characterized by a log-volume and log-area entropy law, respectively. It is generic to symmetric quantum evolution, and as such occurs for different partition geometry and topology, and classes of (local) Liouville dynamics. We then develop a protocol to measure symmetry-resolved entropies and negativities in synthetic quantum systems based on the random unitary toolbox, and demonstrate the generality of dynamical purification using experimental data from trapped ion experiments [Brydges et al., Science 364, 260 (2019)]. Our work shows that symmetry plays a key role as a magnifying glass to characterize many-body dynamics in open quantum systems, and, in particular, in noisy-intermediate scale quantum devices.
Branch point twist field form factors in the sine-Gordon model II: Composite twist fields and symmetry resolved entanglement
Horváth D.X., In this paper we continue the program initiated in Part I, that is the study of entanglement measures in the sine-Gordon model. In both parts, we have focussed on one specific technique, that is the well-known connection between branch point twist field correlators and measures of entanglement in 1+1D integrable quantum field theory. Our papers apply this technique for the first time to a non-diagonal theory with an involved particle spectrum, the sine-Gordon model. In this Part II we focus on a different entanglement measure, the symmetry resolved entanglement, and develop its associated twist field description, exploiting the underlying U(1) symmetry of the theory. In this context, conventional branch point twist fields are no longer the fields required, but instead we must work with one of their composite generalisations, which can be understood as the field resulting from the fusion of a standard branch point twist field and the sine-Gordon exponential field associated with U(1) symmetry. The resulting composite twist field has correlators which as usual admit a form factor expansion. In this paper we write the associated form factor equations and solve them for various examples in the breather sector by using the method of angular quantisation. We show that, in the attractive regime, this is the sector which provides the leading contribution to the symmetry resolved entropies, both Rényi and von Neumann. We compute the latter in the limit of a large region size and show that they satisfy the property of equipartition, that is the leading contribution to the symmetry resolved entanglement is independent of the symmetry sector.
Growth of entanglement entropy under local projective measurements
Coppola M., Tirrito E., Karevski D., Nonequilibrium dynamics of many-body quantum systems under the effect of measurement protocols is attracting an increasing amount of attention. It has been recently revealed that measurements may induce an abrupt change in the scaling law of the bipartite entanglement entropy, thus suggesting the existence of different nonequilibrium regimes. However, our understanding of how these regimes appear and whether they survive in the thermodynamic limit is much less established. Here we investigate these questions on a one-dimensional quadratic fermionic model: this allows us to reach system sizes relevant in the thermodynamic sense. We show that local projective measurements induce a qualitative modification of the time growth of the entanglement entropy which changes from linear to logarithmic. However, in the stationary regime, the logarithmic behavior of the entanglement entropy does not survive in the thermodynamic limit and, for any finite value of the measurement rate, we numerically show the existence of a single area-law phase for the entanglement entropy. Finally, exploiting the quasiparticle picture, we further support our results by analyzing the fluctuations of the stationary entanglement entropy and its scaling behavior.
Heat rectification through single and coupled quantum dots
Tesser L., Bhandari B., Erdman P.A., Paladino E., We study heat rectification through quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime using a master equation approach. We consider both cases of two-terminal and four-terminal devices. In the two-terminal configuration, we analyze the case of a single quantum dot with either a doubly-degenerate level or two non-degenerate levels. In the sequential tunneling regime we analyze the behaviour of heat currents and rectification as functions of the position of the energy levels and of the temperature bias. In particular, we derive an upper bound for rectification in the closed-circuit setup with the doubly-degenerate level. We also prove the absence of a bound for the case of two non-degenerate levels and identify the ideal system parameters to achieve nearly perfect rectification. The second part of the paper deals with the effect of second-order cotunneling contributions, including both elastic and inelastic processes. In all cases we find that there exists ranges of values of parameters (such as the levels' position) where rectification is enhanced by cotunneling. In particular, in the doubly-degenerate level case we find that cotunneling corrections can enhance rectification when they reduce the magnitude of the heat currents. For the four-terminal configuration, we analyze the non-local situation of two Coulomb-coupled quantum dots, each connected to two terminals: the temperature bias is applied to the two terminals connected to one quantum dot, while the heat currents of interest are the ones flowing in the other quantum dot. Remarkably, in this situation we find that non-local rectification can be perfect as a consequence of the fact that the heat currents vanish for properly tuned parameters.
H→0 limit of the entanglement entropy
Entangled quantum states share properties that do not have classical analogs; in particular, they show correlations that can violate Bell inequalities. It is, therefore, an interesting question to see what happens to entanglement measures - such as the entanglement entropy for a pure state - taking the semiclassical limit, where the naive expectation is that they may become singular or zero. This conclusion is, however, incorrect. In this paper, we determine the ℏ→0 limit of the bipartite entanglement entropy for a one-dimensional system of N quantum particles in an external potential and we explicitly show that this limit is finite. Moreover, if the particles are fermionic, we show that the ℏ→0 limit of the bipartite entanglement entropy coincides with the Shannon entropy of N bits.
Taking the temperature of a pure quantum state
Mitchison M.T., Purkayastha A., Brenes M., Temperature is a deceptively simple concept that still raises deep questions at the forefront of quantum physics research. The observation of thermalization in completely isolated quantum systems, such as cold-atom quantum simulators, implies that a temperature can be assigned even to individual, pure quantum states. Here, we propose a scheme to measure the temperature of such pure states through quantum interference. Our proposal involves interferometry of an auxiliary qubit probe, which is prepared in a superposition state and subsequently decoheres due to weak coupling with a closed, thermalized many-body system. Using only a few basic assumptions about chaotic quantum systems, namely, the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and the emergence of hydrodynamics at long times, we show that the qubit undergoes pure exponential decoherence at a rate that depends on the temperature of its surroundings. We verify our predictions by numerical experiments on a quantum spin chain that thermalizes after absorbing energy from a periodic drive. Our Letter provides a general method to measure the temperature of isolated, strongly interacting systems under minimal assumptions.
Correlation engineering via nonlocal dissipation
Seetharam K., Lerose A., Controlling the spread of correlations in quantum many-body systems is a key challenge at the heart of quantum science and technology. Correlations are usually destroyed by dissipation arising from coupling between a system and its environment. Here, we show that dissipation can instead be used to engineer a wide variety of spatiotemporal correlation profiles in an easily tunable manner. We describe how dissipation with any translationally invariant spatial profile can be realized in cold atoms trapped in an optical cavity. A uniform external field and the choice of spatial profile can be used to design when and how dissipation creates or destroys correlations. We demonstrate this control by generating entanglement preferentially sensitive to a desired spatial component of a magnetic field. We thus establish nonlocal dissipation as a route toward engineering the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of quantum information, with potential applications in quantum metrology, state preparation, and transport.
Present status and future challenges of non-interferometric tests of collapse models
Carlesso M., Donadi S., Ferialdi L., Paternostro M., Ulbricht H., The superposition principle is the cornerstone of quantum mechanics, leading to a variety of genuinely quantum effects. Whether the principle applies also to macroscopic systems or, instead, there is a progressive breakdown when moving to larger scales is a fundamental and still open question. Spontaneous wavefunction collapse models predict the latter option, thus questioning the universality of quantum mechanics. Technological advances allow to increasingly challenge collapse models and the quantum superposition principle, with a variety of different experiments. Among them, non-interferometric experiments proved to be the most effective in testing these models. We provide an overview of such experiments, including cold atoms, optomechanical systems, X-ray detection, bulk heating and comparisons with cosmological observations. We also discuss avenues for future dedicated experiments, which aim at further testing collapse models and the validity of quantum mechanics.
Energy fluctuation relations and repeated quantum measurements
Gherardini S., Buffoni L., Giachetti G., In this paper, we discuss the statistical description in non-equilibrium regimes of energy fluctuations originated by the interaction between a quantum system and a measurement apparatus applying a sequence of repeated quantum measurements. To properly quantify the information about energy fluctuations, both the exchanged heat probability density function and the corresponding characteristic function are derived and interpreted. Then, we discuss the conditions allowing for the validity of the fluctuation theorem in Jarzynski form 〈e−βQ〉=1, thus showing that the fluctuation relation is robust against the presence of randomness in the time intervals between measurements. Moreover, also the late-time, asymptotic properties of the heat characteristic function are analyzed, in the thermodynamic limit of many intermediate quantum measurements. In such a limit, the quantum system tends to the maximally mixed state (thus corresponding to a thermal state with infinite temperature) unless the system's Hamiltonian and the intermediate measurement observable share a common invariant subspace. Then, in this context, we also discuss how energy fluctuation relations change when the system operates in the quantum Zeno regime. Finally, the theoretical results are illustrated for the special cases of two- and three-levels quantum systems, now ubiquitous for quantum applications and technologies.
Mimicking Multiorbital Systems with SU(N) Atoms: Hund’s Physics and Beyond
Richaud A., Ferraretto M., The physics of many interesting correlated materials can be captured by multiorbital Hubbard models, where conduction electrons feature an additional orbital degree of freedom. The multiorbital characteristic is not a mere complication, but it leads to an immensely richer landscape of physical regimes. One of the key features is the interplay between Hubbard repulsion and Hund’s exchange coupling, which has been shown to lead to orbital-selective correlations and to the existence of correlation-resilient metals (usually called Hund’s metals) defying Mott localization. Here, we show that experimentally available platforms of SU(N)-symmetric ultracold atoms can indeed mimic the rich physics disclosed by multiorbital materials, by exploiting the internal degrees of freedom of multicomponent atoms. We discuss in detail the SU(N) version of interaction-resilient Hund’s metal and some other interesting regimes.
Seeding Crystallization in Time
Hajdušek M., Solanki P., We introduce the concept of seeding of crystallization in time by studying the dynamics of an ensemble of coupled continuous time crystals. We demonstrate that a single subsystem in a broken-symmetry phase acting as a nucleation center may induce time-translation symmetry breaking across the entire ensemble. Seeding is observed for both coherent and dissipative coupling, as well as for a broad range of parameter regimes. In the spirit of mutual synchronization, we investigate the parameter regime where all subsystems are in the broken-symmetry phase. We observe that more broadly detuned time crystals require weaker coupling strength to be synchronized. This is in contrast to basic knowledge from classical as well as quantum synchronization theory. We show that this surprising observation is a direct consequence of the seeding effect.
Finite-temperature quantum discordant criticality
Tarabunga P.S., Mendes-Santos T., Illuminati F., In quantum statistical mechanics, finite-temperature phase transitions are typically governed by classical field theories. In this context, the role of quantum correlations is unclear: recent contributions have shown how entanglement is typically very short-ranged, and thus uninformative about long-ranged critical correlations. In this work, we show the existence of finite-temperature phase transitions where a broader form of quantum correlation than entanglement, the entropic quantum discord, can display genuine signatures of critical behavior. We consider integrable bosonic field theories in both two- and three-dimensional lattices, and show how the two-mode Gaussian discord decays algebraically with the distance even in cases where the entanglement negativity vanishes beyond nearest-neighbor separations. Systematically approaching the zero-temperature limit allows us to connect discord to entanglement, drawing a generic picture of quantum correlations and critical behavior that naturally describes the transition between entangled and discordant quantum matter.
Optimal quantum annealing: A variational shortcut-to-adiabaticity approach
Passarelli G., Suppressing unwanted transitions out of the instantaneous ground state is a major challenge in unitary adiabatic quantum computation. A recent approach consists in building counterdiabatic potentials approximated using variational strategies. In this contribution, we extend this variational approach to Lindbladian dynamics, having as a goal the suppression of diabatic transitions between pairs of Jordan blocks in quantum annealing. We show that, surprisingly, unitary counterdiabatic Ansätze are successful for dissipative dynamics as well, allowing for easier experimental implementations compared to Lindbladian Ansätze involving dissipation. Our approach not only guarantees improvements of open-system adiabaticity but also enhances the success probability of quantum annealing.