Understanding quantum tunneling using diffusion Monte Carlo simulations
Inack E.M., Giudici G., Parolini T., In simple ferromagnetic quantum Ising models characterized by an effective double-well energy landscape the characteristic tunneling time of path-integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations has been shown to scale as the incoherent quantum-tunneling time, i.e., as 1/Δ2, where Δ is the tunneling gap. Since incoherent quantum tunneling is employed by quantum annealers (QAs) to solve optimization problems, this result suggests that there is no quantum advantage in using QAs with respect to quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations. A counterexample is the recently introduced shamrock model (Andriyash and Amin, arXiv:1703.09277), where topological obstructions cause an exponential slowdown of the PIMC tunneling dynamics with respect to incoherent quantum tunneling, leaving open the possibility for potential quantum speedup, even for stoquastic models. In this work we investigate the tunneling time of projective QMC simulations based on the diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) algorithm without guiding functions, showing that it scales as 1/Δ, i.e., even more favorably than the incoherent quantum-tunneling time, both in a simple ferromagnetic system and in the more challenging shamrock model. However, a careful comparison between the DMC ground-state energies and the exact solution available for the transverse-field Ising chain indicates an exponential scaling of the computational cost required to keep a fixed relative error as the system size increases.
Pauli metallic ground state in Hubbard clusters with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
Brosco V., Guerci D., We study the "phase diagram" of a Hubbard plaquette with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We show that the peculiar way in which Rashba coupling breaks the spin-rotational symmetry of the Hubbard model allows a mixing of singlet and triplet components in the ground state that slows down and changes the nature of the Mott transition and of the Mott insulating phases.
Entanglement dynamics after quantum quenches in generic integrable systems
Alba V., The time evolution of the entanglement entropy in non-equilibrium quantum systems provides crucial information about the structure of the time-dependent state. For quantum quench protocols, by combining a quasiparticle picture for the entanglement spreading with the exact knowledge of the stationary state provided by Bethe ansatz, it is possible to obtain an exact and analytic description of the evolution of the entanglement entropy. Here we discuss the application of these ideas to several integrable models. First we show that for non-interacting systems, both bosonic and fermionic, the exact time-dependence of the entanglement entropy can be derived by elementary techniques and without solving the dynamics. We then provide exact results for interacting spin chains that are carefully tested against numerical simulations. Finally, we apply this method to integrable one-dimensional Bose gases (Lieb-Liniger model) both in the attractive and repulsive regimes. We highlight a peculiar behaviour of the entanglement entropy due to the absence of a maximum velocity of excitations.©
Analytic solution of the domain-wall nonequilibrium stationary state
We consider the out-of-equilibrium dynamics generated by joining two domains with arbitrary opposite magnetizations. We study the stationary state which emerges by the unitary evolution via the spin-1/2 XXZ Hamiltonian, in the gapless regime, where the system develops a stationary spin current. Using the generalized hydrodynamic approach, we present a simple formula for the space-time profile of the spin current and the magnetization exact in the limit of long times. As a remarkable effect, we show that the stationary state has a strongly discontinuous dependence on the strength of interaction as confirmed by the exact analytic expression of the Drude weight that we compute. These features allow us to give a qualitative estimation for the transient behavior of the current which is in good agreement with numerical simulations. Moreover, we analyze the behavior around the edge of the magnetization profile, and we argue that, unlike the XX free-fermionic point, interactions always prevent the emergence of a Tracy-Widom scaling.
Dynamics of correlation-frozen antinodal quasiparticles in superconducting cuprates
Cilento F., Manzoni G., Sterzi A., Peli S., Ronchi A., Crepaldi A., Boschini F., Cacho C., Chapman R., Springate E., Eisaki H., Greven M., Berciu M., Kemper A.F., Damascelli A., Many puzzling properties of high-critical temperature (Tc) superconducting (HTSC) copper oxides have deep roots in the nature of the antinodal quasiparticles, the elementary excitations with wave vector parallel to the Cu-O bonds. These electronic states are most affected by the onset of antiferromagnetic correlations and charge instabilities, and they host the maximum of the anisotropic superconducting gap and pseudogap. We use time-resolved extremeultraviolet photoemission with proper photon energy (18 eV) and time resolution (50 fs) to disclose the ultrafast dynamics of the antinodal states in a prototypical HTSC cuprate. After photoinducing a nonthermal charge redistribution within the Cu and O orbitals, we reveal a dramatic momentum-space differentiation of the transient electron dynamics. Whereas the nodal quasiparticle distribution is heated up as in a conventional metal, new quasiparticle states transiently emerge at the antinodes, similarly to what is expected for a photoexcited Mott insulator, where the frozen charges can be released by an impulsive excitation. This transient antinodal metallicity is mapped into the dynamics of the O-2p bands, thus directly demonstrating the intertwining between the lowand high-energy scales that is typical of correlated materials. Our results suggest that the correlation-driven freezing of the electrons moving along the Cu-O bonds, analogous to the Mott localization mechanism, constitutes the starting point for any model of high-Tc superconductivity and other exotic phases of HTSC cuprates.
Bounds on quantum collapse models from matter-wave interferometry: Calculational details
Toroš M., We present a simple derivation of the interference pattern in matter-wave interferometry predicted by a class of quantum master equations. We apply the obtained formulae to the following collapse models: the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber (GRW) model, the continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model together with its dissipative (dCSL) and non-Markovian generalizations (cCSL), the quantum mechanics with universal position localization (QMUPL), and the Diósi-Penrose (DP) model. We discuss the separability of the dynamics of the collapse models along the three spatial directions, the validity of the paraxial approximation, and the amplification mechanism. We obtain analytical expressions both in the far field and near field limits. These results agree with those already derived in the Wigner function formalism. We compare the theoretical predictions with the experimental data from two recent matter-wave experiments: the 2012 far-field experiment of Juffmann T et al (2012 Nat. Nanotechnol. 7 297-300) and the 2013 Kapitza-Dirac-Talbot-Lau (KDTL) near-field experiment of Eibenberger et al (2013 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 14696-700). We show the region of the parameter space for each collapse model that is excluded by these experiments. We show that matter-wave experiments provide model-insensitive bounds that are valid for a wide family of dissipative and non-Markovian generalizations.
Seebeck effect on a weak link between Fermi and non-Fermi liquids
Nguyen T., We propose a model describing Seebeck effect on a weak link between two quantum systems with fine-tunable ground states of Fermi and non-Fermi liquid origin. The experimental realization of the model can be achieved by utilizing the quantum devices operating in the integer quantum Hall regime [Z. Iftikhar et al., Nature (London) 526, 233 (2015)NATUAS0028-083610.1038/nature15384] designed for detection of macroscopic quantum charged states in multichannel Kondo systems. We present a theory of thermoelectric transport through hybrid quantum devices constructed from quantum-dot-quantum-point-contact building blocks. We discuss pronounced effects in the temperature and gate voltage dependence of thermoelectric power associated with a competition between Fermi and non-Fermi liquid behaviors. High controllability of the device allows to fine tune the system to different regimes described by multichannel and multi-impurity Kondo models.
From localization to anomalous diffusion in the dynamics of coupled kicked rotors
Notarnicola S., Iemini F., Rossini D., We study the effect of many-body quantum interference on the dynamics of coupled periodically kicked systems whose classical dynamics is chaotic and shows an unbounded energy increase. We specifically focus on an N-coupled kicked rotors model: We find that the interplay of quantumness and interactions dramatically modifies the system dynamics, inducing a transition between energy saturation and unbounded energy increase. We discuss this phenomenon both numerically and analytically through a mapping onto an N-dimensional Anderson model. The thermodynamic limit N→∞, in particular, always shows unbounded energy growth. This dynamical delocalization is genuinely quantum and very different from the classical one: Using a mean-field approximation, we see that the system self-organizes so that the energy per site increases in time as a power law with exponent smaller than 1. This wealth of phenomena is a genuine effect of quantum interference: The classical system for N≥2 always behaves ergodically with an energy per site linearly increasing in time. Our results show that quantum mechanics can deeply alter the regularity or ergodicity properties of a many-body-driven system.
Unitary n -designs via random quenches in atomic Hubbard and spin models: Application to the measurement of Rényi entropies
Vermersch B., Elben A., We present a general framework for the generation of random unitaries based on random quenches in atomic Hubbard and spin models, forming approximate unitary n-designs, and their application to the measurement of Rényi entropies. We generalize our protocol presented in Elben et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 050406 (2018)10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.050406] to a broad class of atomic and spin-lattice models. We further present an in-depth numerical and analytical study of experimental imperfections, including the effect of decoherence and statistical errors, and discuss connections of our approach with many-body quantum chaos.
Rényi Entropies from Random Quenches in Atomic Hubbard and Spin Models
Elben A., Vermersch B., We present a scheme for measuring Rényi entropies in generic atomic Hubbard and spin models using single copies of a quantum state and for partitions in arbitrary spatial dimensions. Our approach is based on the generation of random unitaries from random quenches, implemented using engineered time-dependent disorder potentials, and standard projective measurements, as realized by quantum gas microscopes. By analyzing the properties of the generated unitaries and the role of statistical errors, with respect to the size of the partition, we show that the protocol can be realized in existing quantum simulators and used to measure, for instance, area law scaling of entanglement in two-dimensional spin models or the entanglement growth in many-body localized systems.
Friction anomalies at first-order transition spinodals: 1T-TaS2
Panizon E., Marx T., Dietzel D., Pellegrini F., Revealing phase transitions of solids through mechanical anomalies in the friction of nanotips sliding on their surfaces, a successful approach for continuous transitions, is still an unexplored tool for first-order ones. Owing to slow nucleation, first-order structural transformations occur with hysteresis, comprised between two spinodal temperatures where, on both sides of the thermodynamic transition, one or the other metastable free energy branches terminates. The spinodal transformation, a collective one-shot event without heat capacity anomaly, is easy to trigger by a weak external perturbation. Here we show that even the gossamer mechanical action of an AFM-tip can locally act as a trigger, narrowly preempting the spontaneous spinodal transformation, and making it observable as a nanofrictional anomaly. Confirming this expectation, the CCDW-NCCDW first-order transition of the important layer compound 1T-TaS2 is shown to provide a demonstration of this effect.
Cooling quasiparticles in A 3 C 60 fullerides by excitonic mid-infrared absorption
Nava A., Giannetti C., Georges A., Tosatti E., Long after its discovery, superconductivity in alkali fullerides A 3 C 60 still challenges conventional wisdom. The freshest inroad in such ever-surprising physics is the behaviour under intense infrared excitation. Signatures attributable to a transient superconducting state extending up to temperatures ten times higher than the equilibrium T c ∼ 20 K have been discovered in K 3 C 60 after ultra-short pulsed infrared irradiation-an effect which still appears as remarkable as mysterious. Motivated by the observation that the phenomenon is observed in a broad pumping frequency range that coincides with the mid-infrared electronic absorption peak still of unclear origin, rather than to transverse optical phonons as has been proposed, we advance here a radically new mechanism. First, we argue that this broad absorption peak represents a â € super-exciton' involving the promotion of one electron from the t 1u half-filled state to a higher-energy empty t 1g state, dramatically lowered in energy by the large dipole-dipole interaction acting in conjunction with the Jahn-Teller effect within the enormously degenerate manifold of (t 1u) 2 (t 1g) 1 states. Both long-lived and entropy-rich because they are triplets, the infrared-induced excitons act as a sort of cooling mechanism that permits transient superconductive signals to persist up to much higher temperatures.
Topological phases in frustrated synthetic ladders with an odd number of legs
Barbarino S., The realization of the Hofstadter model in a strongly anisotropic ladder geometry has now become possible in one-dimensional optical lattices with a synthetic dimension. In this work, we show how the Hofstadter Hamiltonian in such ladder configurations hosts a topological phase of matter which is radically different from its two-dimensional counterpart. This topological phase stems directly from the hybrid nature of the ladder geometry and is protected by a properly defined inversion symmetry. We start our analysis by considering the paradigmatic case of a three-leg ladder which supports a topological phase exhibiting the typical features of topological states in one dimension: robust fermionic edge modes, a degenerate entanglement spectrum, and a nonzero Zak phase; then, we generalize our findings - addressable in the state-of-the-art cold-atom experiments - to ladders with a higher number of legs.
Many-Body Localization Dynamics from Gauge Invariance
Brenes M., We show how lattice gauge theories can display many-body localization dynamics in the absence of disorder. Our starting point is the observation that, for some generic translationally invariant states, the Gauss law effectively induces a dynamics which can be described as a disorder average over gauge superselection sectors. We carry out extensive exact simulations on the real-time dynamics of a lattice Schwinger model, describing the coupling between U(1) gauge fields and staggered fermions. Our results show how memory effects and slow, double-logarithmic entanglement growth are present in a broad regime of parameters - in particular, for sufficiently large interactions. These findings are immediately relevant to cold atoms and trapped ion experiments realizing dynamical gauge fields and suggest a new and universal link between confinement and entanglement dynamics in the many-body localized phase of lattice models.
Entanglement spectrum degeneracy and the Cardy formula in 1+1 dimensional conformal field theories
Alba V., We investigate the effect of a global degeneracy in the distribution of the entanglement spectrum in conformal field theories in one spatial dimension. We relate the recently found universal expression for the entanglement Hamiltonian to the distribution of the entanglement spectrum. The main tool to establish this connection is the Cardy formula. It turns out that the Affleck-Ludwig non-integer degeneracy, appearing because of the boundary conditions induced at the entangling surface, can be directly read from the entanglement spectrum distribution. We also clarify the effect of the noninteger degeneracy on the spectrum of the partial transpose, which is the central object for quantifying the entanglement in mixed states. We show that the exact knowledge of the entanglement spectrum in some integrable spinchains provides strong analytical evidences corroborating our results.
Tunable RKKY interaction in a double quantum dot nanoelectromechanical device
Parafilo A., We propose a realization of mechanically tunable Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction in a double quantum dot nanoelectromechanical device. The coupling between spins of two quantum dots suspended above a metallic plate is mediated by conduction electrons. We show that the spin-mechanical interaction can be driven by a slow modulation of charge density in the metallic plate. We propose to use Stückelberg oscillations as a sensitive tool for detection of the spin and charge states of the coupled quantum dots. Theory of mechanical back action induced by a dynamical spin-spin interaction is discussed.
Phase Diagram of Hydrogen and a Hydrogen-Helium Mixture at Planetary Conditions by Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations
Mazzola G., Helled R., Understanding planetary interiors is directly linked to our ability of simulating exotic quantum mechanical systems such as hydrogen (H) and hydrogen-helium (H-He) mixtures at high pressures and temperatures. Equation of state (EOS) tables based on density functional theory are commonly used by planetary scientists, although this method allows only for a qualitative description of the phase diagram. Here we report quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) molecular dynamics simulations of pure H and H-He mixture. We calculate the first QMC EOS at 6000 K for a H-He mixture of a protosolar composition, and show the crucial influence of He on the H metallization pressure. Our results can be used to calibrate other EOS calculations and are very timely given the accurate determination of Jupiter's gravitational field from the NASA Juno mission and the effort to determine its structure.
Electrodynamic properties of an artificial heterostructured superconducting cuprate
Perucchi A., Di Pietro P., Lupi S., Sopracase R., Tebano A., Giovannetti G., Petocchi F., We perform infrared conductivity measurements on a series of CaCuO2/SrTiO3 heterostructures made by the insulating cuprate CaCuO2 (CCO) and the insulating perovskite SrTiO3 (STO). We estimate the carrier density of various heterostructures with different levels of hole doping from the integral of the optical conductivity, and we measure the corresponding degree of correlation by estimating the ratio between the Drude weight and the integral of the infrared spectrum. The analysis demonstrates a large degree of correlation, which increases as the doping is reduced. The experimental results can be reproduced by dynamical mean-field theory calculations, which strongly support the role of correlations in the CCO/STO heterostructures and their similarities with the most common cuprate superconductors. Our results suggest that cuprate superconductors can be looked at as natural superlattices, where the peculiar characteristics of the native interfaces between the conducting block (containing the CuO2 planes) and the charge reservoir block are mainly responsible for the electrodynamic properties of these systems.
Linked cluster expansions for open quantum systems on a lattice
Biella A., Jin J., Viyuela O., Ciuti C., We propose a generalization of the linked-cluster expansions to study driven-dissipative quantum lattice models, directly accessing the thermodynamic limit of the system. Our method leads to the evaluation of the desired extensive property onto small connected clusters of a given size and topology. We first test this approach on the isotropic spin-1/2 Hamiltonian in two dimensions, where each spin is coupled to an independent environment that induces incoherent spin flips. Then we apply it to the study of an anisotropic model displaying a dissipative phase transition from a magnetically ordered to a disordered phase. By means of a Padé analysis on the series expansions for the average magnetization, we provide a viable route to locate the phase transition and to extrapolate the critical exponent for the magnetic susceptibility.
Underground Test of Quantum Mechanics: The VIP2 Experiment
Marton J., Bartalucci S., We are experimentally investigating possible violations of standard quantum mechanics predictions in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy. We test with high precision the Pauli exclusion principle and the collapse of the wave function (collapse models). We present our method of searching for possible small violations of the Pauli exclusion principle (PEP) for electrons, through the search for anomalous X-ray transitions in copper atoms, produced by fresh electrons (brought inside the copper bar by circulating current) which could have a non-zero probability to undergo Pauli-forbidden transition to the 1s level already occupied by two electrons, and we describe the VIP2 (Violation of PEP) experiment under data taking at the Gran Sasso underground laboratories. In this paper the new VIP2 setup installed in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory will be presented. The goal of VIP2 is to test the PEP for electrons with unprecedented accuracy, down to a limit in the probability that PEP is violated at the level of 10−31. We show preliminary experimental results and discuss implications of a possible violation.