Publications year: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Charge Kondo circuit as a detector for electron-electron interactions in a Luttinger liquid
Nguyen T.K.T., Parafilo A.V., Nguyen H.Q., Kiselev M.N.
We investigate the effects of the electron-electron interactions on the quantum transport through a charge Kondo circuit. The setup consists of a quantum dot sandwiched between two leads by two nearly transparent single mode quantum point contacts. The size of the interacting area L in the Luttinger liquid formed in the vicinities of the narrow constrictions is assumed to be much smaller compared to the size of the quantum dot a. We predict that the interplay between the electron-electron interactions in the Luttinger liquid and the fingerprints of the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the vicinity of the two channel Kondo intermediate coupling fixed point allows one to determine the interaction strength through the power-law temperature scaling of the electric conductance.
TREXIO: A file format and library for quantum chemistry
Posenitskiy E., Chilkuri V.G., Ammar A., Hapka M., Pernal K., Shinde R., Landinez Borda E.J., Filippi C., Nakano K., Kohulák O., Sorella S., de Oliveira Castro P., Jalby W., López Ríos P.L., Alavi A., Scemama A.
TREXIO is an open-source file format and library developed for the storage and manipulation of data produced by quantum chemistry calculations. It is designed with the goal of providing a reliable and efficient method of storing and exchanging wave function parameters and matrix elements, making it an important tool for researchers in the field of quantum chemistry. In this work, we present an overview of the TREXIO file format and library. The library consists of a front-end implemented in the C programming language and two different back-ends: a text back-end and a binary back-end utilizing the hierarchical data format version 5 library, which enables fast read and write operations. It is compatible with a variety of platforms and has interfaces for Fortran, Python, and OCaml programming languages. In addition, a suite of tools have been developed to facilitate the use of the TREXIO format and library, including converters for popular quantum chemistry codes and utilities for validating and manipulating data stored in TREXIO files. The simplicity, versatility, and ease of use of TREXIO make it a valuable resource for researchers working with quantum chemistry data.
Quantum annealing for neural network optimization problems: A new approach via tensor network simulations
Lami G., Torta P., Santoro G.E., Collura M.
Here, we focus on the problem of minimizing complex classical cost functions associated with prototypical discrete neural networks, specifically the paradigmatic Hopfield model and binary perceptron. We show that the adiabatic time evolution of QA can be efficiently represented as a suitable Tensor Network. This representation allows for simple classical simulations, well-beyond small sizes amenable to exact diagonalization techniques. We show that the optimized state, expressed as a Matrix Product State (MPS), can be recast into a Quantum Circuit, whose depth scales only linearly with the system size and quadratically with the MPS bond dimension. This may represent a valuable starting point allowing for further circuit optimization on near-term quantum devices.
Full view on the dynamics of an impurity coupled to two one-dimensional baths
Stefanini M., Capone M., Silva A.
We consider a model for the motion of an impurity interacting with two parallel, one-dimensional baths, described as two Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid systems. The impurity is able to move along the baths, and to jump from one to the other. We provide a perturbative expression for the evolution of the system when the impurity is injected in one of the baths, with a given wave packet. We obtain an approximation formally of infinite order in the impurity-bath coupling, which allows us to reproduce the orthogonality catastrophe. We monitor and discuss the dynamics of the impurity and its effect on the baths, in particular for a Gaussian wave packet. Besides the motion of the impurity, we also analyze the dynamics of the bath density and momentum density (i.e., the particle current), and show that it fits an intuitive semiclassical interpretation. We also quantify the correlation that is established between the baths by calculating the interbath, equal-time spatial correlation functions of both bath density and momentum, finding a complex pattern. We show that this pattern contains information on both the impurity motion and on the baths, and that these can be unveiled by taking appropriate "slices"of the time evolution.
Mass-driven vortex collisions in flat superfluids
Richaud A., Lamporesi G., Capone M., Recati A.
Quantum vortices are often endowed with an effective inertial mass, due, for example, to massive particles in their cores. Such "massive vortices"display new phenomena beyond the standard picture of superfluid vortex dynamics, where mass is neglected. In this work, we demonstrate that massive vortices are allowed to collide, as opposed to their massless counterparts. We propose a scheme to generate controllable, repeatable, deterministic collisional events in pairs of quantum vortices. We demonstrate two mass-driven fundamental processes: (i) the annihilation of two counter-rotating vortices and (ii) the merging of two corotating vortices, thus pointing out new mechanisms supporting incompressible-to-compressible kinetic-energy conversion, as well as doubly quantized vortex stabilization in flat superfluids.
Quantum multicritical behavior for coupled optical cavities with driven laser fields
Hu Y., Zhou Y., Luo W., Trombettoni A., Huang G.
Quantum phase transitions with multicritical points are fascinating phenomena occurring in interacting quantum many-body systems. However, multicritical points predicted by theory have been rarely verified experimentally; finding multicritical points with specific behaviors and realizing their control remains a challenging topic. Here, we propose a system that a quantized light field interacts with a two-level atomic ensemble coupled by microwave fields in optical cavities, which is described by a generalized Dicke model. Multicritical points for the superradiant quantum phase transition are shown to occur. We determine the number and position of these critical points and demonstrate that they can be effectively manipulated through the tuning of system parameters. Particularly, we find that the quantum critical points can evolve into a Lifshitz point (LP) if the Rabi frequency of the light field is modulated periodically in time. Remarkably, the texture of atomic pseudo-spins can be used to characterize the quantum critical behaviors of the system. The magnetic orders of the three phases around the LP, represented by the atomic pseudo-spins, are similar to those of an axial next-nearest-neighboring Ising model. The results reported here are beneficial for unveiling intriguing physics of quantum phase transitions and pave the way towards to find novel quantum multicritical phenomena based on the generalized Dicke model.
Toward Chemical Accuracy Using the Jastrow Correlated Antisymmetrized Geminal Power Ansatz
Raghav A., Maezono R., Hongo K., Sorella S., Nakano K.
Herein, we report accurate atomization energy calculations for 55 molecules in the Gaussian-2 (G2) set using lattice regularized diffusion Monte Carlo (LRDMC). We compare the Jastrow-Slater determinant ansatz with a more flexible JsAGPs (Jastrow correlated antisymmetrized geminal power with singlet correlation) ansatz. AGPs is built from pairing functions, which explicitly include pairwise correlations among electrons, and hence, this ansatz is expected to be more efficient in recovering the correlation energy. The AGPs wave functions are first optimized at the variational Monte Carlo (VMC) level, which includes both the Jastrow factor and the nodal surface optimization. This is followed by the LRDMC projection of the ansatz. Remarkably, for many molecules, the LRDMC atomization energies obtained using the JsAGPs ansatz reach chemical accuracy (∼1 kcal/mol), and for most other molecules, the atomization energies are accurate within ∼5 kcal/mol. We obtained a mean absolute deviation of 1.6 kcal/mol with JsAGPs and 3.2 kcal/mol with JDFT (Jastrow factor + Slater determinant with DFT orbitals) ansatzes. This work shows the effectiveness of the flexible AGPs ansatz for atomization energy calculations and electronic structure simulations in general.
Sky and earth: Travelling with Dante Alighieri and Marco Polo
Mussardo G., Polizzi G.
700 years after Dante Alighieri's death, this book intertwines the voice of the great poet with that of an exceptional contemporary, Marco Polo, who was equally curious about the geography of both earthly and celestial worlds. If Polo was the "ordinary genius" of the XIII century, the designation of "sorcerer genius" must go to Alighieri, the man with encyclopedic wisdom, at ease with his era's philosophy, theology, and science. The sorcerer genius-well versed in this world-must create their own, which he did with The Divine Comedy. On the other hand, The Travels of Marco Polo, the greatest classic in travel literature, offers wonder and provides delight. This book combines the unforgettable characters of both books, the darkness of the infernal landscapes with the immensity of the Asian deserts, the richness of the Mongol empire with the glamor of medieval philosophy, the aspirations and dreams of two great explorers with knowledge of the science of their time, as well as the ever-eternal cosmology. This is an accessible and entertaining book for high school students, scholars of scientific history and the history of ideas, and curious readers who want to know more about Dante and Marco Polo and their unquenchable thirst for knowledge. This book is a translation of an original Italian edition. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation.
Coherent control of the orbital occupation driving the insulator-to-metal Mott transition in V2 O3
Franceschini P., Policht V.R., Milloch A., Ronchi A., Mor S., Mellaerts S., Hsu W.F., Pagliara S., Ferrini G., Banfi F., Fabrizio M., Menghini M., Locquet J.P., Dal Conte S., Cerullo G., Giannetti C.
Managing light-matter interactions on timescales faster than the loss of electronic coherence is key for achieving full quantum control of the final products in solid-solid transformations. In this Letter, we demonstrate coherent optical control of the orbital occupation that determines the insulator-to-metal transition in the prototypical Mott insulator V2O3. Selective excitation of a specific interband transition with two phase-locked light pulses manipulates the occupation of the correlated bands in a way that depends on the coherent evolution of the photoinduced superposition of states. A comparison between experimental results and numerical solutions of the optical Bloch equations provides an electronic coherence time on the order of 5 fs. Temperature-dependent experiments suggest that the electronic coherence time is enhanced in the vicinity of the insulator-to-metal transition critical temperature, thus highlighting the role of fluctuations in determining the electronic coherence. These results open different routes to selectively switch the functionalities of quantum materials and coherently control solid-solid electronic transformations.
Spin-Liquid Insulators Can Be Landau's Fermi Liquids
Fabrizio M.
The long search for insulating materials that possess low-energy quasiparticles carrying electron's quantum numbers except charge - inspired by the neutral spin-1/2 excitations, the so-called spinons, exhibited by Anderson's resonating-valence-bond state - seems to have reached a turning point after the discovery of several Mott insulators displaying the same thermal and magnetic properties as metals, including quantum oscillations in a magnetic field. Here, we show that such anomalous behavior is not inconsistent with Landau's Fermi liquid theory of quasiparticles at a Luttinger surface. That is the manifold of zeros within the Brillouin zone of the single-particle Green's function at zero frequency, and which thus defines the spinon Fermi surface conjectured by Anderson.
Crafting the dynamical structure of synchronization by harnessing bosonic multilevel cavity QED
Valencia-Tortora R.J., Kelly S.P., Donner T., Morigi G., Fazio R., Marino J.
Many-body cavity QED experiments are established platforms to tailor and control the collective responses of ensembles of atoms, interacting through one or more common photonic modes. The rich diversity of dynamical phases they can host calls for a unified framework. Here we commence this program by showing that a cavity QED simulator assembled from N-level bosonic atoms can reproduce and extend the possible dynamical responses of collective observables occurring after a quench. Specifically, by initializing the atoms in classical or quantum states, or by leveraging intralevels quantum correlations, we craft on demand the entire synchronization/desynchronization dynamical crossover of an exchange model for SU(N) spins. We quantitatively predict the onset of different dynamical responses by combining the Liouville-Arnold theorem on classical integrability with an ansatz for reducing the collective evolution to an effective few-body dynamics. Among them, we discover a synchronized chaotic phase induced by quantum correlations and associated to a first-order nonequilibrium transition in the Lyapunov exponent of collective atomic dynamics. Our outreach includes extensions to other spin-exchange quantum simulators and a universal conjecture for the dynamical reduction of nonintegrable all-to-all interacting systems.
Ab Initio Derivation of Lattice-Gauge-Theory Dynamics for Cold Gases in Optical Lattices
Surace F.M., Fromholz P., Oppong N.D., Dalmonte M., Aidelsburger M.
We introduce a method for quantum simulation of U(1) lattice gauge theories coupled to matter, utilizing alkaline-earth(-like) atoms in state-dependent optical lattices. The proposal enables the study of both gauge and fermionic matter fields without integrating out one of them in one and two dimensions. We focus on a realistic and robust implementation that utilizes the long-lived metastable clock state available in alkaline-earth(-like) atomic species. Starting from an ab initio modeling of the experimental setting, we systematically carry out a derivation of the target U(1) gauge theory. This approach allows us to identify and address conceptual and practical challenges for the implementation of lattice gauge theories that - while pivotal for a successful implementation - have never been rigorously addressed in the literature: those include the specific engineering of lattice potentials to achieve the desired structure of Wannier functions and the subtleties involved in realizing the proper separation of energy scales to enable gauge-invariant dynamics. We discuss realistic experiments that can be carried out within such a platform using the fermionic isotope 173Yb, addressing via simulations all key sources of imperfections, and provide concrete parameter estimates for relevant energy scales in both one- and two-dimensional settings.
Stochastic representation of the quantum quartic oscillator
Tucci G., De Nicola S., Wald S., Gambassi A.
Recent experimental advances have inspired the development of theoretical tools to describe the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum systems. Among them an exact representation of quantum spin systems in terms of classical stochastic processes has been proposed. Here we provide first steps towards the extension of this stochastic approach to bosonic systems by considering the one-dimensional quantum quartic oscillator. We show how to exactly parameterize the time evolution of this prototypical model via the dynamics of a set of classical variables. We interpret these variables as stochastic processes, which allows us to propose a novel way to numerically simulate the time evolution of the system. We benchmark our findings by considering analytically solvable limits and providing alternative derivations of known results.
Collapse Models: A Theoretical, Experimental and Philosophical Review
Bassi A., Dorato M., Ulbricht H.
In this paper, we review and connect the three essential conditions needed by the collapse model to achieve a complete and exact formulation, namely the theoretical, the experimental, and the ontological ones. These features correspond to the three parts of the paper. In any empirical science, the first two features are obviously connected but, as is well known, among the different formulations and interpretations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, only collapse models, as the paper well illustrates with a richness of details, have experimental consequences. Finally, we show that a clarification of the ontological intimations of collapse models is needed for at least three reasons: (1) to respond to the indispensable task of answering the question ’what are collapse models (and in general any physical theory) about?’; (2) to achieve a deeper understanding of their different formulations; (3) to enlarge the panorama of possible readings of a theory, which historically has often played a fundamental heuristic role.
Entanglement of stationary states in the presence of unstable quasiparticles
Horváth D.X., Calabrese P., Castro-Alvaredo O.A.
The effect of unstable quasiparticles in the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of certain integrable systems has been the subject of several recent studies. In this paper we focus on the stationary value of the entanglement entropy density, its growth rate, and related functions, after a quantum quench. We consider several quenches, each of which is characterised by a corresponding squeezed coherent state. In the quench action approach, the coherent state amplitudes K(θ) become input data that fully characterise the large-time stationary state, thus also the corresponding Yang-Yang entropy. We find that, as function of the mass of the unstable particle, the entropy growth rate has a global minimum signalling the depletion of entropy that accompanies a slowdown of stable quasiparticles at the threshold for the formation of an unstable excitation. We also observe a separation of scales governed by the interplay between the mass of the unstable particle and the quench parameter, separating a non-interacting regime described by free fermions from an interacting regime where the unstable particle is present. This separation of scales leads to a double-plateau structure of many functions, where the relative height of the plateaux is related to the ratio of central charges of the UV fixed points associated with the two regimes, in full agreement with conformal field theory predictions. The properties of several other functions of the entropy and its growth rate are also studied in detail, both for fixed quench parameter and varying unstable particle mass and viceversa.
Quantum simulator of link models using spinor dipolar ultracold atoms
Fontana P., Barros J.C.P., Trombettoni A.
We propose a scheme for the quantum simulation of quantum link models in two-dimensional lattices. Our approach considers spinor dipolar gases on a suitably shaped lattice, where the dynamics of particles in the different hyperfine levels of the gas takes place in one-dimensional chains coupled by the dipolar interactions. We show that at least four levels are needed. The present scheme does not require any particular fine-tuning of the parameters. We perform the derivation of the parameters of the quantum link models by means of two different approaches, a nonperturbative one tied to angular-momentum conservation, and a perturbative one. A comparison with other schemes for (2+1)-dimensional quantum link models present in the literature is discussed. Finally, the extension to three-dimensional lattices is presented, and its subtleties are pointed out.
Probing the Degree of Coherence through the Full 1D to 3D Crossover
Shah R., Barrett T.J., Colcelli A., Oručević F., Trombettoni A., Krüger P.
We experimentally study a gas of quantum degenerate Rb87 atoms throughout the full dimensional crossover, from a one-dimensional (1D) system exhibiting phase fluctuations consistent with 1D theory to a three-dimensional (3D) phase-coherent system, thereby smoothly interpolating between these distinct, well-understood regimes. Using a hybrid trapping architecture combining an atom chip with a printed circuit board, we continuously adjust the system's dimensionality over a wide range while measuring the phase fluctuations through the power spectrum of density ripples in time-of-flight expansion. Our measurements confirm that the chemical potential μ controls the departure of the system from 3D and that the fluctuations are dependent on both μ and the temperature T. Through a rigorous study we quantitatively observe how inside the crossover the dependence on T gradually disappears as the system becomes 3D. Throughout the entire crossover the fluctuations are shown to be determined by the relative occupation of 1D axial collective excitations.
Stability of many-body localization in Floquet systems
Sierant P., Lewenstein M., Scardicchio A., Zakrzewski J.
We study many-body localization (MBL) transition in disordered Floquet systems using a polynomially filtered exact diagonalization (POLFED) algorithm. We focus on disordered kicked Ising model and quantitatively demonstrate that finite-size effects at the MBL transition are less severe than in the random field XXZ spin chains widely studied in the context of MBL. Our conclusions extend also to other disordered Floquet models, indicating smaller finite-size effects than those observed in the usually considered disordered autonomous spin chains. We observe consistent signatures of the transition to MBL phase for several indicators of ergodicity breaking in the kicked Ising model. Moreover, we show that an assumption of a power-law divergence of the correlation length at the MBL transition yields a critical exponent ν≈2, consistent with the Harris criterion for one-dimensional disordered systems.
Systematically improvable mean-field variational ansatz for strongly correlated systems: Application to the Hubbard model
Sorella S.
A systematically improvable wave function is proposed for the numerical solution of strongly correlated systems. With a stochastic optimization method, based on the auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo technique, an effective temperature Teff is defined, probing the distance of the ground-state properties of the model in the thermodynamic limit from the ones of the proposed correlated mean-field ansatz. In this way, their uncertainties from the unbiased zero temperature limit may be estimated by simple and stable extrapolations well before the so-called sign problem gets prohibitive. At finite Teff, the convergence of the energy to the thermodynamic limit is indeed shown to already be possible in the Hubbard model for relatively small square lattices with linear dimension L≃10, thanks to appropriate averages over several twisted boundary conditions. Within the estimated energy accuracy of the proposed variational ansatz, two clear phases are identified, as the energy is lowered by spontaneously breaking some symmetries satisfied by the Hubbard Hamiltonian: (a) a stripe phase where both spin and translation symmetries are broken and (b) a strong coupling d-wave superconducting phase when the particle number is not conserved and global U(1) symmetry is broken. On the other hand, the symmetric phase is stable in a wide region at large doping and small coupling.
Exciton condensation in strongly correlated quantum spin Hall insulators
Amaricci A., Mazza G., Capone M., Fabrizio M.
Time-reversal symmetric topological insulators are generically robust with respect to weak local interaction unless symmetry-breaking transitions take place. Using dynamical mean-field theory, we solve an interacting model of quantum spin Hall insulators and show the existence at intermediate coupling of a symmetry-breaking transition to a nontopological insulator characterized by exciton condensation. This transition is of first order. For a larger interaction strength, the insulator evolves into a Mott one. The transition is continuous if magnetic order is prevented, and notably, for any finite Hund's exchange, it progresses through a Mott localization before the condensate coherence is lost. We show that the correlated excitonic state corresponds to a magneto-electric insulator, which allows for direct experimental probing. Finally, we discuss the fate of the helical edge modes across the excitonic transition.
Publications year: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

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