Deviations from off-diagonal long-range order in one-dimensional quantum systems
Colcelli A., A quantum system exhibits off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) when the largest eigenvalue λ0 of the one-body-density matrix scales as λ0 ∼ N, where N is the total number of particles. Putting λ0 ∼ NC to define the scaling exponent C, then C = 1 corresponds to ODLRO and C = 0 to the single-particle occupation of the density matrix orbitals. When 0 < C <1, C can be used to quantify deviations from ODLRO. In this paper we study the exponent C in a variety of one-dimensional bosonic and anyonic quantum systems at T = 0. For the 1D Lieb-Liniger Bose gas we find that for small interactions C is close to 1, implying a mesoscopic condensation, i.e., a value of the zero temperature "condensate" fraction λ0/N appreciable at finite values of N (as the ones in experiments with 1D ultracold atoms). 1D anyons provide the possibility to fully interpolate between C = 1 and 0. The behaviour of C for these systems is found to be non-monotonic both with respect to the coupling constant and the statistical parameter.
Full counting statistics in the transverse field Ising chain
Groha S., Essler F., We consider the full probability distribution for the transverse magnetization of a finite subsystem in the transverse field Ising chain. We derive a determinant representation of the corresponding characteristic function for general Gaussian states. We consider applications to the full counting statistics in the ground state, finite temperature equilibrium states, non-equilibrium steady states and time evolution after global quantum quenches. We derive an analytical expression for the time and subsystem size dependence of the characteristic function at sufficiently late times after a quantum quench. This expression features an interesting multiple light-cone structure.
Synthesis of Majorana mass terms in low-energy quantum systems
Lepori L., Celi A., We discuss the problem of how Majorana mass terms can be generated in low-energy systems. We show that, while these terms imply the Majorana condition, the opposite is not always true when more than one flavour is involved. This is an important aspect for the low-energy realizations of the Majorana mass terms exploiting superfluid pairings, because in this case the Majorana condition is not implemented in the spinor space, but in an internal (flavour) space. Moreover, these mass terms generally involve opposite effective chiralities, similarly to a Dirac mass term. The net effect of these features is that the Majorana condition does not imply a Majorana mass term. Accordingly the obtained Majorana spinors, as well as the resulting symmetry breaking pattern and low-energy spectrum, are qualitatively different from the ones known in particle physics. This result has important phenomenological consequences, e.g. implies that these mass terms are unsuitable to induce an effective see-saw mechanism, proposed to give mass to neutrinos. Finally, we introduce and discuss schemes based on space-dependent pairings with nonzero total momentum to illustrate how genuine Majorana mass terms may emerge in low-energy quantum systems.
SO(3) “Nuclear Physics” with ultracold Gases
Rico E., An ab initio calculation of nuclear physics from Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the fundamental SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interaction, remains an outstanding challenge. Here, we discuss the emergence of key elements of nuclear physics using an SO(3) lattice gauge theory as a toy model for QCD. We show that this model is accessible to state-of-the-art quantum simulation experiments with ultracold atoms in an optical lattice. First, we demonstrate that our model shares characteristic many-body features with QCD, such as the spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry, its restoration at finite baryon density, as well as the existence of few-body bound states. Then we show that in the one-dimensional case, the dynamics in the gauge invariant sector can be encoded as a spin S=[Formula presented] Heisenberg model, i.e., as quantum magnetism, which has a natural realization with bosonic mixtures in optical lattices, and thus sheds light on the connection between non-Abelian gauge theories and quantum magnetism.
Selective Transient Cooling by Impulse Perturbations in a Simple Toy Model
We show in a simple exactly solvable toy model that a properly designed impulse perturbation can transiently cool down low-energy degrees of freedom at the expense of high-energy ones that heat up. The model consists of two infinite-range quantum Ising models: one, the high-energy sector, with a transverse field much bigger than the other, the low-energy sector. The finite-duration perturbation is a spin exchange that couples the two Ising models with an oscillating coupling strength. We find a cooling of the low-energy sector that is optimized by the oscillation frequency in resonance with the spin exchange excitation. After the perturbation is turned off, the Ising model with a low transverse field can even develop a spontaneous symmetry breaking despite being initially above the critical temperature.
Exact Local Correlations and Full Counting Statistics for Arbitrary States of the One-Dimensional Interacting Bose Gas
Bastianello A., Piroli L., We derive exact analytic expressions for the n-body local correlations in the one-dimensional Bose gas with contact repulsive interactions (Lieb-Liniger model) in the thermodynamic limit. Our results are valid for arbitrary states of the model, including ground and thermal states, stationary states after a quantum quench, and nonequilibrium steady states arising in transport settings. Calculations for these states are explicitly presented and physical consequences are critically discussed. We also show that the n-body local correlations are directly related to the full counting statistics for the particle-number fluctuations in a short interval, for which we provide an explicit analytic result.
Two-color Fermi-liquid theory for transport through a multilevel Kondo impurity
Karki D.B., Mora C., Von Delft J., We consider a quantum dot with K≥2 orbital levels occupied by two electrons connected to two electric terminals. The generic model is given by a multilevel Anderson Hamiltonian. The weak-coupling theory at the particle-hole symmetric point is governed by a two-channel S=1 Kondo model characterized by intrinsic channels asymmetry. Based on a conformal field theory approach we derived an effective Hamiltonian at a strong-coupling fixed point. The Hamiltonian capturing the low-energy physics of a two-stage Kondo screening represents the quantum impurity by a two-color local Fermi liquid. Using nonequilibrium (Keldysh) perturbation theory around the strong-coupling fixed point we analyze the transport properties of the model at finite temperature, Zeeman magnetic field, and source-drain voltage applied across the quantum dot. We compute the Fermi-liquid transport constants and discuss different universality classes associated with emergent symmetries.
Quantum treatment of field propagation in a fiber near the zero dispersion wavelength
Safaei A., In this report, we present a quantum theory describing the propagation of the electromagnetic radiation in a fiber in the presence of the third order dispersion coefficient. We obtained the quantum photon-polariton field, hence, we provide herein a coupled set of operator forms for the corresponding nonlinear Schrödinger equations when the third order dispersion coefficient is included. Coupled stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations were obtained by applying a positive P-representation that governs the propagation and interaction of quantum solitons in the presence of the third-order dispersion term. Finally, to reduce the fluctuations near solitons in the first approximation, we developed coupled stochastic linear equations.
Entanglement hamiltonian and entanglement contour in inhomogeneous 1D critical systems
Inhomogeneous quantum critical systems in one spatial dimension have been studied by using conformal field theory in static curved backgrounds. Two interesting examples are the free fermion gas in the harmonic trap and the inhomogeneous XX spin chain called rainbow chain. For conformal field theories defined on static curved spacetimes characterised by a metric which is Weyl equivalent to the flat metric, with the Weyl factor depending only on the spatial coordinate, we study the entanglement hamiltonian and the entanglement spectrum of an interval adjacent to the boundary of a segment where the same boundary condition is imposed at the endpoints. A contour function for the entanglement entropies corresponding to this configuration is also considered, being closely related to the entanglement hamiltonian. The analytic expressions obtained by considering the curved spacetime which characterises the rainbow model have been checked against numerical data for the rainbow chain, finding an excellent agreement.
Universal Broadening of the Light Cone in Low-Temperature Transport
Bertini B., Piroli L., We consider the low-temperature transport properties of critical one-dimensional systems that can be described, at equilibrium, by a Luttinger liquid. We focus on the prototypical setting where two semi-infinite chains are prepared in two thermal states at small but different temperatures and suddenly joined together. At large distances x and times t, conformal field theory characterizes the energy transport in terms of a single light cone spreading at the sound velocity v. Energy density and current take different constant values inside the light cone, on its left, and on its right, resulting in a three-step form of the corresponding profiles as a function of ζ=x/t. Here, using a nonlinear Luttinger liquid description, we show that for generic observables this picture is spoiled as soon as a nonlinearity in the spectrum is present. In correspondence of the transition points x/t=±v, a novel universal region emerges at infinite times, whose width is proportional to the temperatures on the two sides. In this region, expectation values have a different temperature dependence and show smooth peaks as a function of ζ. We explicitly compute the universal function describing such peaks. In the specific case of interacting integrable models, our predictions are analytically recovered by the generalized hydrodynamic approach.
Squeezing Enhances Quantum Synchronization
Sonar S., Hajdušek M., Mukherjee M., It is desirable to observe synchronization of quantum systems in the quantum regime, defined by the low number of excitations and a highly nonclassical steady state of the self-sustained oscillator. Several existing proposals of observing synchronization in the quantum regime suffer from the fact that the noise statistics overwhelm synchronization in this regime. Here, we resolve this issue by driving a self-sustained oscillator with a squeezing Hamiltonian instead of a harmonic drive and analyze this system in the classical and quantum regime. We demonstrate that strong entrainment is possible for small values of squeezing, and in this regime, the states are nonclassical. Furthermore, we show that the quality of synchronization measured by the FWHM of the power spectrum is enhanced with squeezing.
Many-body atomic speed sensor in lattices
Giampaolo S.M., We study the properties of transmissivity of a beam of atoms traversing an optical lattice loaded with ultracold atoms. The transmission properties as a function of the energy of the incident particles are dependent on the quantum phase of the atoms in the lattice. In fact, in contrast to an insulator regime, the absence of an energetic gap in the spectrum of the superfluid phase enables the atoms in the optical lattice to adapt to the presence of the beam. This induces a backaction process that has a strong impact on the transmittivity of the atoms. Based on the corresponding strong dependency we propose the implementation of a speed sensor with an estimated sensitivity of 108-109(m/s)/Hz. We point out that the velocity sensitivity improves when the interaction term in the optical lattice increases. Applications of the presented scheme are discussed.
Frictional lubricity enhanced by quantum mechanics
Zanca T., Pellegrini F., The quantum motion of nuclei, generally ignored in the physics of sliding friction, can affect in an important manner the frictional dissipation of a light particle forced to slide in an optical lattice. The density matrix-calculated evolution of the quantum version of the basic Prandtl–Tomlinson model, describing the dragging by an external force of a point particle in a periodic potential, shows that purely classical friction predictions can be very wrong. The strongest quantum effect occurs not for weak but for strong periodic potentials, where barriers are high but energy levels in each well are discrete, and resonant Rabi or Landau–Zener tunneling to states in the nearest well can preempt classical stick–slip with nonnegligible efficiency, depending on the forcing speed. The resulting permeation of otherwise unsurmountable barriers is predicted to cause quantum lubricity, a phenomenon which we expect should be observable in the recently implemented sliding cold ion experiments.
Quantum correlations and limit cycles in the driven-dissipative Heisenberg lattice
Owen E.T., Jin J., Rossini D., Driven-dissipative quantum many-body systems have attracted increasing interest in recent years as they lead to novel classes of quantum many-body phenomena. In particular, mean-field calculations predict limit cycle phases, slow oscillations instead of stationary states, in the long-Time limit for a number of driven-dissipative quantum many-body systems. Using a cluster mean-field and a self-consistent Mori projector approach, we explore the persistence of such limit cycles as short range quantum correlations are taken into account in a driven-dissipative Heisenberg model.
Chaotic Dynamical Ferromagnetic Phase Induced by Nonequilibrium Quantum Fluctuations
Lerose A., Marino J., Žunkovič B., We investigate the robustness of a dynamical phase transition against quantum fluctuations by studying the impact of a ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor spin interaction in one spatial dimension on the nonequilibrium dynamical phase diagram of the fully connected quantum Ising model. In particular, we focus on the transient dynamics after a quantum quench and study the prethermal state via a combination of analytic time-dependent spin wave theory and numerical methods based on matrix product states. We find that, upon increasing the strength of the quantum fluctuations, the dynamical critical point fans out into a chaotic dynamical phase within which the asymptotic ordering is characterized by strong sensitivity to the parameters and initial conditions. We argue that such a phenomenon is general, as it arises from the impact of quantum fluctuations on the mean-field out of equilibrium dynamics of any system which exhibits a broken discrete symmetry.
Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin Chains with Long-Range Interactions: Merging Different Concepts of Nonequilibrium Criticality
Žunkovič B., Heyl M., Knap M., We theoretically study the dynamics of a transverse-field Ising chain with power-law decaying interactions characterized by an exponent α, which can be experimentally realized in ion traps. We focus on two classes of emergent dynamical critical phenomena following a quantum quench from a ferromagnetic initial state: The first one manifests in the time-averaged order parameter, which vanishes at a critical transverse field. We argue that such a transition occurs only for long-range interactions α≤2. The second class corresponds to the emergence of time-periodic singularities in the return probability to the ground-state manifold which is obtained for all values of α and agrees with the order parameter transition for α≤2. We characterize how the two classes of nonequilibrium criticality correspond to each other and give a physical interpretation based on the symmetry of the time-evolved quantum states.
Quantum quench in a harmonically trapped one-dimensional Bose gas
We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional Bose gas trapped by a harmonic potential for a quench from zero to infinite interaction. The different thermodynamic limits required for the equilibrium pre- and post-quench Hamiltonians are the origin of a few unexpected phenomena that have no counterparts in the translational-invariant setting. We find that the dynamics is perfectly periodic with breathing time related to the strength of the trapping potential. For very short times, we observe a sudden expansion leading to an extreme dilution of the gas and to the emergence of slowly decaying tails in the density profile. The haste of the expansion induces an undertow-like effect with a pronounced local minimum of the density at the center of the trap. At half period there is a refocusing phenomenon characterized by a sharp central peak of the density, juxtaposed to algebraically decaying tails. We finally show that the time-averaged density is correctly captured by a generalized Gibbs ensemble built with the conserved mode occupations.
Analytic understanding and control of dynamical friction
Panizon E., Recent model simulations discovered unexpected nonmonotonic features in the wear-free dry phononic friction as a function of the sliding speed. Here we demonstrate that a rather straightforward application of linear-response theory, appropriate in a regime of weak slider-substrate interaction, predicts frictional one-phonon singularities which imply a nontrivial dependence of the dynamical friction force on the slider speed and/or coupling to the substrate. The explicit formula which we derive reproduces very accurately the classical atomistic simulations when available. By modifying the slider-substrate interaction the analytical understanding obtained provides a practical means to tailor and control the speed dependence of friction with substantial freedom.
Quantum Interference Assisted Spin Filtering in Graphene Nanoflakes
Valli A., Amaricci A., Brosco V., We demonstrate that hexagonal graphene nanoflakes with zigzag edges display quantum interference (QI) patterns analogous to benzene molecular junctions. In contrast with graphene sheets, these nanoflakes also host magnetism. The cooperative effect of QI and magnetism enables spin-dependent quantum interference effects that result in a nearly complete spin polarization of the current and holds a huge potential for spintronic applications. We understand the origin of QI in terms of symmetry arguments, which show the robustness and generality of the effect. This also allows us to devise a concrete protocol for the electrostatic control of the spin polarization of the current by breaking the sublattice symmetry of graphene, by deposition on hexagonal boron nitride, paving the way to switchable spin filters. Such a system benefits from all of the extraordinary conduction properties of graphene, and at the same time, it does not require any external magnetic field to select the spin polarization, as magnetism emerges spontaneously at the edges of the nanoflake.
Nonadiabatic Breaking of Topological Pumping
Privitera L., Russomanno A., Citro R., We study Thouless pumping out of the adiabatic limit. Our findings show that despite its topological nature, this phenomenon is not generically robust to nonadiabatic effects. Indeed, we find that the Floquet diagonal ensemble value of the pumped charge shows a deviation from the topologically quantized limit which is quadratic in the driving frequency for a sudden switch on of the driving. This is reflected also in the charge pumped in a single period, which shows a nonanalytic behavior on top of an overall quadratic decrease. Exponentially small corrections are recovered only with a careful tailoring of the driving protocol. We also discuss thermal effects and the experimental feasibility of observing such a deviation.