Publications year: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Migration and Separation of Polymers in Nonuniform Active Baths
Muzzeddu P.L., Gambassi A., Sommer J.U., Sharma A.
Polymerlike structures are ubiquitous in nature and synthetic materials. Their configurational and migration properties are often affected by crowded environments leading to nonthermal fluctuations. Here, we study an ideal Rouse chain in contact with a nonhomogeneous active bath, characterized by the presence of active self-propelled agents which exert time-correlated forces on the chain. By means of a coarse-graining procedure, we derive an effective evolution for the center of mass of the chain and show its tendency to migrate toward and preferentially localize in regions of high and low bath activity depending on the model parameters. In particular, we demonstrate that an active bath with nonuniform activity can be used to separate efficiently polymeric species with different lengths and/or connectivity.
Expansion of strongly interacting dipolar bosons in 1D optical lattices
Roy R., Trombettoni A., Chakrabarti B.
We numerically study the expansion dynamics of initially localized dipolar bosons in a homogeneous 1D optical lattice for different initial states. Comparison is made to interacting bosons with contact interaction. For shallow lattices, the expansion is unimodal and ballistic, while strong lattices suppress tunneling. However, for intermediate lattice depths, a strong interplay between dipolar interaction and lattice depth occurs. The expansion is found to be bimodal, the central cloud expansion can be distinguished from the outer halo structure. In the regime of strongly interactions dipolar bosons exhibit two time-scales, with an initial diffusion and then arrested transport in the long time, while strongly interacting bosons in the fermionized limit exhibit ballistic expansion. Our study highlights how different lattice depths and initial states can be manipulated to control tunneling dynamics.
Suppression of the superfluid Kelvin-Helmholtz instability due to massive vortex cores, friction and confinement
Caldara M., Richaud A., Capone M., Massignan P.
We characterize the dynamical instability responsible for the breakdown of regular rows and necklaces of quantized vortices that appear at the interface between two superfluids in relative motion. Making use of a generalized point-vortex model, we identify several mechanisms leading to the suppression of this instability. They include a non-zero mass of the vortex cores, dissipative processes resulting from the interaction between the vortices and the excitations of the superfluid, and the proximity of the vortex array to the sample boundaries. We show that massive vortex cores not only have a mitigating effect on the dynamical instability, but also change the associated scaling law and affect the direction along which it develops. The predictions of our massive and dissipative point-vortex model are eventually compared against recent experimental measurements of the maximum instability growth rate relevant to vortex necklaces in a cold-atom platform.
Entanglement asymmetry and quantum Mpemba effect in two-dimensional free-fermion systems
Yamashika S., Ares F., Calabrese P.
The quantum Mpemba effect is the counterintuitive nonequilibrium phenomenon wherein the dynamic restoration of a broken symmetry occurs more rapidly when the initial state exhibits a higher degree of symmetry breaking. The effect has been recently discovered theoretically and observed experimentally in the framework of global quantum quenches, but so far it has only been investigated in one-dimensional systems. Here we focus on a two-dimensional free-fermion lattice employing the entanglement asymmetry as a measure of symmetry breaking. Our investigation begins with the ground-state analysis of a system featuring nearest-neighbor hoppings and superconducting pairings, the latter breaking explicitly the U(1) particle-number symmetry. We compute analytically the entanglement asymmetry of a periodic strip using dimensional reduction, an approach that allows us to adjust the extent of the transverse size, achieving a smooth crossover between one and two dimensions. Further applying the same method, we study the time evolution of the entanglement asymmetry after a quench to a Hamiltonian with only nearest-neighbor hoppings, preserving the particle-number symmetry which is restored in the stationary state. We find that the quantum Mpemba effect is strongly affected by the size of the system in the transverse dimension, with the potential to either enhance or spoil the phenomenon depending on the initial states. We establish the conditions for its occurrence based on the properties of the initial configurations, extending the criteria found in the one-dimensional case.
Ginzburg-Landau description for multicritical Yang-Lee models
Lencsés M., Miscioscia A., Mussardo G., Takács G.
We revisit and extend Fisher’s argument for a Ginzburg-Landau description of multicritical Yang-Lee models in terms of a single boson Lagrangian with potential φ2(iφ)n. We explicitly study the cases of n = 1, 2 by a Truncated Hamiltonian Approach based on the free massive boson perturbed by PT symmetric deformations, providing clear evidence of the spontaneous breaking of PT symmetry. For n = 1, the symmetric and the broken phases are separated by the critical point corresponding to the minimal model M25, while for n = 2, they are separated by a critical manifold corresponding to the minimal model M25 with M27 on its boundary. Our numerical analysis strongly supports our Ginzburg-Landau descriptions for multicritical Yang-Lee models.
Nonstabilizerness of permutationally invariant systems
Passarelli G., Fazio R., Lucignano P.
Typical measures of nonstabilizerness of a system of N qubits require computing 4N expectation values, one for each Pauli string in the Pauli group, over a state of dimension 2N. For permutationally invariant systems, this exponential overhead can be reduced to just O(N3) expectation values on a state with a dimension O(N). We exploit this simplification to study the nonstabilizerness phase transitions of systems with hundreds of qubits.
Renormalization group analysis of the Anderson model on random regular graphs
Vanoni C., Altshuler B.L., Kravtsov V.E., Scardicchio A.
We present a renormalization group (RG) analysis of the problem of Anderson localization on a random regular graph (RRG) which generalizes the RG of Abrahams, Anderson, Licciardello, and Ramakrishnan to infinite-dimensional graphs. The RG equations necessarily involve two parameters (one being the changing connectivity of subtrees), but we show that the one-parameter scaling hypothesis is recovered for sufficiently large system sizes for both eigenstates and spectrum observables. We also explain the nonmonotonic behavior of dynamical and spectral quantities as a function of the system size for values of disorder close to the transition, by identifying two terms in the beta function of the running fractal dimension of different signs and functional dependence. Our theory provides a simple and coherent explanation for the unusual scaling behavior observed in numerical data of the Anderson model on RRG and of many-body localization.
Critical magnetic flux for Weyl points in the three-dimensional Hofstadter model
Fontana P., Trombettoni A.
We investigate the band structure of the three-dimensional Hofstadter model on cubic lattices, with an isotropic magnetic field oriented along the diagonal of the cube with flux φ=2πm/n, where m,n are coprime integers. Using reduced exact diagonalization in momentum space, we show that, at fixed m, there exists an integer n(m) associated with a specific value of the magnetic flux, that we denote by φc(m)2πm/n(m), separating two different regimes. The first one, for fluxes φ<φc(m), is characterized by complete band overlaps, while the second one, for φ>φc(m), features isolated band-touching points in the density of states and Weyl points between the mth and the (m+1)-th bands. In the Hasegawa gauge, the minimum of the (m+1)-th band abruptly moves at the critical flux φc(m) from kz=0 to kz=π. We then argue that the limit for large m of φc(m) exists and it is finite: limm→∞φc(m)φc. Our estimate is φc/2π=0.1296(1). Based on the values of n(m) determined for integers m≤60, we propose a mathematical conjecture for the form of φc(m) to be used in the large-m limit. The asymptotic critical flux obtained using this conjecture is φc(conj)/2π=7/54.
Nonstabilizerness versus entanglement in matrix product states
Frau M., Tarabunga P.S., Collura M., Dalmonte M., Tirrito E.
In this paper, we investigate the relationship between entanglement and nonstabilizerness (also known as magic) in matrix product states (MPSs). We study the relation between magic and the bond dimension used to approximate the ground state of a many-body system in two different contexts: full state of magic and mutual magic (the nonstabilizer analog of mutual information, thus free of boundary effects) of spin-1 anisotropic Heisenberg chains. Our results indicate that obtaining converged results for nonstabilizerness is typically considerably easier than entanglement. For full state magic at critical points and at sufficiently large volumes, we observe convergence with 1/χ2, with χ being the MPS bond dimension. At small volumes, magic saturation is so quick that, within error bars, we cannot appreciate any finite-χ correction. Mutual magic also shows a fast convergence with bond dimension, whose specific functional form is however hindered by sampling errors. As a byproduct of our study, we show how Pauli-Markov chains (originally formulated to evaluate magic) resets the state of the art in terms of computing mutual information for MPS. We illustrate this last fact by verifying the logarithmic increase of mutual information between connected partitions at critical points. By comparing mutual information and mutual magic, we observe that, for connected partitions, the latter is typically scaling much slower - if at all - with the partition size, while for disconnected partitions, both are constant in size.
Principal deuterium Hugoniot via quantum Monte Carlo and Δ -learning
Tenti G., Nakano K., Tirelli A., Sorella S., Casula M.
We present a study of the principal deuterium Hugoniot for pressures up to 150 GPa, using machine learning potentials (MLPs) trained with quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) energies, forces, and pressures. In particular, we adopted a recently proposed workflow based on the combination of Gaussian kernel regression and Δ-learning. By fully taking advantage of this method, we explicitly considered finite-temperature electrons in the dynamics, whose effects are highly relevant for temperatures above 10 kK. The Hugoniot curve obtained by our MLPs shows a good agreement with the most recent experiments, particularly in the region below 60 GPa. At larger pressures, our Hugoniot curve is slightly more compressible than the one yielded by experiments, whose uncertainties generally increase, however, with pressure. Our work demonstrates that QMC can be successfully combined with Δ-learning to deploy reliable MLPs for complex extended systems across different thermodynamic conditions, by keeping the QMC precision at the computational cost of a mean-field calculation.
Unveiling the Stabilizer Group of a Matrix Product State
Lami G., Collura M.
We present a novel classical algorithm designed to learn the stabilizer group - namely, the group of Pauli strings for which a state is a ±1 eigenvector - of a given matrix product state (MPS). The algorithm is based on a clever and theoretically grounded biased sampling in the Pauli (or Bell) basis. Its output is a set of independent stabilizer generators whose total number is directly associated with the stabilizer nullity, notably a well-established nonstabilizer monotone. We benchmark our method on T-doped states randomly scrambled via Clifford unitary dynamics, demonstrating very accurate estimates up to highly entangled MPS with bond dimension χ∼103. Our method, thanks to a very favorable scaling O(χ3), represents the first effective approach to obtain a genuine magic monotone for MPS, enabling systematic investigations of quantum many-body physics out of equilibrium.
Microscopic Origin of the Quantum Mpemba Effect in Integrable Systems
Rylands C., Klobas K., Ares F., Calabrese P., Murciano S., Bertini B.
The highly complicated nature of far from equilibrium systems can lead to a complete breakdown of the physical intuition developed in equilibrium. A famous example of this is the Mpemba effect, which states that nonequilibrium states may relax faster when they are further from equilibrium or, put another way, hot water can freeze faster than warm water. Despite possessing a storied history, the precise criteria and mechanisms underpinning this phenomenon are still not known. Here, we study a quantum version of the Mpemba effect that takes place in closed many-body systems with a U(1) conserved charge: in certain cases a more asymmetric initial configuration relaxes and restores the symmetry faster than a more symmetric one. In contrast to the classical case, we establish the criteria for this to occur in arbitrary integrable quantum systems using the recently introduced entanglement asymmetry. We describe the quantum Mpemba effect in such systems and relate the properties of the initial state, specifically its charge fluctuations, to the criteria for its occurrence. These criteria are expounded using exact analytic and numerical techniques in several examples, a free fermion model, the Rule 54 cellular automaton, and the Lieb-Liniger model.
Observing the Quantum Mpemba Effect in Quantum Simulations
Joshi L.K., Franke J., Rath A., Ares F., Murciano S., Kranzl F., Blatt R., Zoller P., Vermersch B., Calabrese P., Roos C.F., Joshi M.K.
The nonequilibrium physics of many-body quantum systems harbors various unconventional phenomena. In this Letter, we experimentally investigate one of the most puzzling of these phenomena - the quantum Mpemba effect, where a tilted ferromagnet restores its symmetry more rapidly when it is farther from the symmetric state compared to when it is closer. We present the first experimental evidence of the occurrence of this effect in a trapped-ion quantum simulator. The symmetry breaking and restoration are monitored through entanglement asymmetry, probed via randomized measurements, and postprocessed using the classical shadows technique. Our findings are further substantiated by measuring the Frobenius distance between the experimental state and the stationary thermal symmetric theoretical state, offering direct evidence of subsystem thermalization.
Nonstabilizerness via Matrix Product States in the Pauli Basis
Tarabunga P.S., Tirrito E., Bañuls M.C., Dalmonte M.
Nonstabilizerness, also known as "magic,"stands as a crucial resource for achieving a potential advantage in quantum computing. Its connection to many-body physical phenomena is poorly understood at present, mostly due to a lack of practical methods to compute it at large scales. We present a novel approach for the evaluation of nonstabilizerness within the framework of matrix product states (MPSs), based on expressing the MPS directly in the Pauli basis. Our framework provides a powerful tool for efficiently calculating various measures of nonstabilizerness, including stabilizer Rényi entropies, stabilizer nullity, and Bell magic, and enables the learning of the stabilizer group of an MPS. We showcase the efficacy and versatility of our method in the ground states of Ising and XXZ spin chains, as well as in circuits dynamics that has recently been realized in Rydberg atom arrays, where we provide concrete benchmarks for future experiments on logical qubits up to twice the sizes already realized.
Simulating photonic devices with noisy optical elements
Vischi M., Di Bartolomeo G., Proietti M., Koudia S., Cerocchi F., Dispenza M., Bassi A.
Quantum computers are inherently affected by noise. While in the long term, error correction codes will account for noise at the cost of increasing physical qubits, in the near term, the performance of any quantum algorithm should be tested and simulated in the presence of noise. As noise acts on the hardware, the classical simulation of a quantum algorithm should not be agnostic on the platform used for the computation. In this paper, we apply the recently proposed noisy gates approach to efficiently simulate noisy optical circuits described in the dual rail framework. The evolution of the state vector is simulated directly, without requiring the mapping to the density matrix framework. Notably, we test the method on both the gate-based and measurement-based quantum computing models, showing that the approach is very versatile. We also evaluate the performance of a photonic variational quantum algorithm to solve the MAX-2-CUT problem. In particular we design and simulate an ansatz, which is resilient to photon losses up to p∼10-3 making it relevant for near-term applications.
Holographic thermal entropy from geodesic bit threads
Caggioli S., Gentile F., Seminara D., Tonni E.
The holographic bit threads are an insightful tool to investigate the holographic entanglement entropy and other quantities related to the bipartite entanglement in AdS/CFT. We mainly explore the geodesic bit threads in various static backgrounds, for the bipartitions characterized by either a sphere or an infinite strip. In pure AdS and for the sphere, the geodesic bit threads provide a gravitational dual of the map implementing the geometric action of the modular conjugation in the dual CFT. In Schwarzschild AdS black brane and for the sphere, our numerical analysis shows that the flux of the geodesic bit threads through the horizon gives the holographic thermal entropy of the sphere. This feature is not observed when the subsystem is an infinite strip, whenever we can construct the corresponding bit threads. The bit threads are also determined by the global structure of the gravitational background; indeed, for instance, we show that the geodesic bit threads of an arc in the BTZ black hole cannot be constructed.
Optimal control of a quantum sensor: A fast algorithm based on an analytic solution
Hernández-Gómez S., Balducci F., Fasiolo G., Cappellaro P., Fabbri N., Scardicchio A.
Quantum sensors can show unprecedented sensitivities, provided they are controlled in a very specific, optimal way. Here, we consider a spin sensor of time-varying fields in the presence of dephasing noise, and we show that the problem of finding the pulsed control field that optimizes the sensitivity (i.e., the smallest detectable signal) can be mapped to the determination of the ground state of a spin chain. We find an approximate but analytic solution of this problem, which provides a lower bound for the sensitivity and a pulsed control very close to optimal, which we further use as initial guess for realizing a fast simulated annealing algorithm. We experimentally demonstrate the sensitivity improvement for a spin-qubit magnetometer based on a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond.
Entanglement Hamiltonian in the non-Hermitian SSH model
Rottoli F., Fossati M., Calabrese P.
Entanglement Hamiltonians provide the most comprehensive characterisation of entanglement in extended quantum systems. A key result in unitary quantum field theories is the Bisognano-Wichmann theorem, which establishes the locality of the entanglement Hamiltonian. In this work, our focus is on the non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) chain. We study the entanglement Hamiltonian both in a gapped phase and at criticality. In the gapped phase we find that the lattice entanglement Hamiltonian is compatible with a lattice Bisognano-Wichmann result, with an entanglement temperature linear in the lattice index. At the critical point, we identify a new imaginary chemical potential term absent in unitary models. This operator is responsible for the negative entanglement entropy observed in the non-Hermitian SSH chain at criticality.
X-Ray Emission from Atomic Systems Can Distinguish between Prevailing Dynamical Wave-Function Collapse Models
Piscicchia K., Donadi S., Manti S., Bassi A., Derakhshani M., Diósi L., Curceanu C.
In this work the spontaneous electromagnetic radiation from atomic systems, induced by dynamical wave-function collapse, is investigated in the x-ray domain. Strong departures are evidenced with respect to the simple cases considered until now in the literature, in which the emission is either perfectly coherent (protons in the same nuclei) or incoherent (electrons). In this low-energy regime the spontaneous radiation rate strongly depends on the atomic species under investigation and, for the first time, is found to depend on the specific collapse model.
Beyond Single-Reference Fixed-Node Approximation in Ab Initio Diffusion Monte Carlo Using Antisymmetrized Geminal Power Applied to Systems with Hundreds of Electrons
Nakano K., Sorella S., Alfè D., Zen A.
Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) is an exact technique to project out the ground state (GS) of a Hamiltonian. Since the GS is always bosonic, in Fermionic systems, the projection needs to be carried out while imposing antisymmetric constraints, which is a nondeterministic polynomial hard problem. In practice, therefore, the application of DMC on electronic structure problems is made by employing the fixed-node (FN) approximation, consisting of performing DMC with the constraint of having a fixed, predefined nodal surface. How do we get the nodal surface? The typical approach, applied in systems having up to hundreds or even thousands of electrons, is to obtain the nodal surface from a preliminary mean-field approach (typically, a density functional theory calculation) used to obtain a single Slater determinant. This is known as single reference. In this paper, we propose a new approach, applicable to systems as large as the C60 fullerene, which improves the nodes by going beyond the single reference. In practice, we employ an implicitly multireference ansatz (antisymmetrized geminal power wave function constraint with molecular orbitals), initialized on the preliminary mean-field approach, which is relaxed by optimizing a few parameters of the wave function determining the nodal surface by minimizing the FN-DMC energy. We highlight the improvements of the proposed approach over the standard single-reference method on several examples and, where feasible, the computational gain over the standard multireference ansatz, which makes the methods applicable to large systems. We also show that physical properties relying on relative energies, such as binding energies, are affordable and reliable within the proposed scheme.
Publications year: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

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